Example sentences of "to [art] first floor " in BNC.

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1 The association with a traditional barn incorporating porches has been skilfully exploited in order to broaden the width of the building at its centre so that an enclosed entrance porch and a generous ‘ dog-leg ’ staircase , giving access to the first floor , could be included on one side , while the equivalent projection on the west side houses an oriel window serving the dining-room which gives a commanding view over the Cherwell Valley .
2 The tiled roof over the single south aisle was stripped off and partly replaced with bronze-coloured aluminium glazing bars framing bronze-tinted ‘ anti-sun ’ glass , the upper panels of which are laid to the same slope as the original roof , the lower panels producing a range of shallow vertical windows , the combination of which gives ‘ conservatory ’ lighting to the first floor flats ( Plate 23 ) .
3 The south stair winds past the old buttery to the first floor , where levels change in and out of the - bedrooms and chambers .
4 When their mother died in 1890 , the eldest daughter , who was by then thirty years old , was allowed to move to the first floor bedroom , and from then on she ruled the roost .
5 ‘ Of course , we have n't time to give it more than a catlick , ’ she came to realize as we staggered up the grand flight of stairs to the first floor .
6 The Secretary led them up a marble staircase , to the first floor ; then along a lofty corridor with a moulded cornice , to the back of the building .
7 One has an outside stair , the only way to the first floor before an inside stair was built .
8 It has fine balusters and a door to the first floor room behind .
9 There is a fine oak carved overmantel and an old door opens onto the curved stone stair to the first floor .
10 Here the occupants of the house would ascend to the first floor by way of the outside steps , as originally there would have been no inner staircase .
11 When the alarm was given , the animals would be driven into the ground floor of the Pele Tower , the local families would ascend a ladder to the first floor , the women and children climbing again to the bower above and the men to the roof , where they would repulse the invaders .
12 I hurried up to the first floor and on turning at the landing was met by a strange sight .
13 He was talking as he led the way along a narrow hall , mounting the staircase to the first floor .
14 It was important to have transport , mobility , He reserved two rooms at the luxurious hotel which had a large reception hall and modern curving staircases leading to the first floor .
15 At the end of this wall leading off to the left was another passage to the downstairs lobby and the stairway to the first floor .
16 The stairway went up ten stairs to a landing with a large window , then up another ten to the first floor .
17 The only way up to the first floor from inside the works was via a ladder , which had started life as one of The Salisbury Volunteer Fire Brigade escapes , probably acquired by Mr. Farr during his service as a fireman in the early years of the century .
18 Replace all metal drainpipes with plastic ones ( which are far too flimsy for anyone to scale ) , remove any trees near the house that would assist ascent to the first floor and absolutely never leave ladders outside the house , front or back , always lock them away .
19 He puffed his way up to the first floor and , finding the outer door open , knocked on the inner one .
20 An elegant staircase leads to the first floor , where the Edgsons have another living room overlooking the street .
21 Misreading the crumpled instructions I took the steps to the first floor , realised I should be on the fourth , so ran and eased myself through the closing lift doors , coming face to face with Malc .
22 Leaving Fraser to deal with the occupants of the vaulted basement chambers Douglas and Ramsay raced up the twisting turnpike stairway to the first floor , where would be the great hall , followed by fifty or so mosstroopers .
23 It was a dark house , Mary Rose thought , climbing the stairs to the first floor .
24 It would have a job flattening that boisterous family , thought Joe as he carried the young woman through the passage and up the flight of stairs to the first floor .
25 They can go upstairs to the first floor , almost directly above this passage ; in this case they walk up a gentle incline and arrive at the west door leading from location 54 .
26 Part of the east front of the West Wing , with stairs leading into area VI ( right ) and up to the first floor ( left )
27 Patrick took his tea and went up to the first floor , to the long landing window which looked over the village green .
28 At a cost of $6 million ( £3.3 million ) Japanese architect Arata Isozaki is completing the conversion which retains original details such as the building 's cast-iron columns but introduces exciting new features including a pair of grand steel staircases leading to the first floor , a sharply angled flight of stairs linking to a cafeteria in the basement ( this feature will be completed only after the museum closes for a month at the end of August ) , and panels of etched glass which create a soft filter for natural light .
29 Er , in a number of ways I think everybody will agree that it 's been improved by er the er demolition of the terrace blocks , rather than refurbishment and the opportunity has been taken to create erm perhaps a a more comfortable relationship between bungalows that are about to be refurbished and the new houses , because the new houses are designed in such a way as to keep the scale down so whereas the terraced blocks were anything up to four storey , the new houses will only be two storey and in a number of cases they will they will be a relatively low two storey so that erm I will just point out on the front elevations that the roof comes down fairly low relative to the first floor windows so that it 's not too much above the , the roofs on the bungalows , we 're not talking about compromising people 's heads on the internal though !
30 On the erm there wo n't be the first aid room over the we 're looking to move that to the first floor .
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