Example sentences of "to [art] present time " in BNC.

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1 This rivalry , reflected in the conflicts between the successor political parties , and the interest groups they represent , has continued to be the main engine of Nigerian politics to the present time .
2 It is his type that has been projected as a desirable up to the present time , although I feel that recently , Rottweilers in Germany have become slightly lighter in build and longer in the loin , a very workmanlike animal , designed for Schutzhund work .
3 The authors observe that up to the present time most obsolescence studies have been characterized by a superficial approach to what is a highly complex situation of interlocking factors .
4 Now she suddenly thought what an interesting and novel item it would make in the fete if the Pack dressed up as Brownies through the years , showing the Brownie uniform from the first days to the present time .
5 Indeed there seems to have been little diminution in this publishing bonanza up to the present time .
6 Therefore I believe that man and his God have evolved together over that immense period of time which started with the advent of earthly life , reaches right through to the present time and will continue onwards forever , or until there is no longer life on earth .
7 The Third period reaches from the end of the Second period , right through to the present time and on for ever , or until there is no longer life on earth .
8 In posing the idea of such an ‘ iron law ’ Bukharin unwittingly predicted the actual course of events in the Soviet Union that has persisted up to the present time , that is , the continual shortfall of consumer goods production as compared to the growing population and the growth in monetary incomes .
9 Such confrontation could so interrupt the subconscious flow that he would , in fact , be brought back with a jolt to the present time and would be unable to continue with the regression at all .
10 At the end of the session , I brought Maxine back to the present time and out of the hypnotic state and asked her what she felt .
11 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
12 Now I do n't detect in the work of the er panel on doctrine up to the present time anything which tackles
13 Morton , in collaboration with others , has argued , from 1966 to the present time , that in the Pauline corpus only Romans , 1 and 2 Corinthians , and Galatians form a homogeneous group which can be attributed to a single hand .
14 Several varieties of chalcedony , a silica in crystalline form , translucent and sometimes transparent , waxy to the touch , hard and extremely enduring , were treasured for jewellery , amulets and seal-stones from the earliest civilizations of the Old World down to the present time .
15 So its recorded history progresses without a break to the present time , mainly as a culinary herb , but also having some medicinal value , as well as cosmetic and domestic use .
16 Albanian historians believe that the modern Albanians developed from the ancient Illyrians and that there is a continuity of Illyrian settlement in their country from the Bronze Age to the present time .
17 The policy of keeping the membership subscriptions low has survived to the present time , despite the improvement in the economic circumstances of the deaf community as a whole .
18 As to whether change is necessary or not one can not help pay some regard of that phenomenon of the post war world , Japan : If time travel was a fact and it was possible to transport someone from the middle of the social scale of Victorian Britain to the present time , he would think a revolution had taken place ; but the basic ground rules of social life and commerce would shortly become comprehensible to him .
19 This was on entirely modern lines and has continued to expand right up to the present time .
20 In whatever fashion the contrast is formulated ( we might say , for example , that the two revolutions — political and industrial — which had inspired the new political science began to move in different directions , towards greater equality in one case , away from it in the other ) it embodies a large part of the substance of political enquiry and of political doctrines from the nineteenth century to the present time .
21 Later in the century , with the rise of the labour movement , a different contrast was drawn , between capitalism and socialism , between ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ and ‘ socialist democracy ’ , and this distinction has largely dominated political controversy up to the present time .
22 I know that a Labour Government will be returned and I am sure that that Government will not take as long as from 1986 to the present time , as this Government have , to do something constructive about changing the law and bringing in legislation that could be enforced throughout the country .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the rate of growth of self-employment from 1979 to the present time among ( a ) men and ( b ) women .
24 This research will build upon the Manchester Down 's Syndrome Cohort Study , a longitudinal study of a representative sample of children with Down 's syndrome and their families , from the birth of children between 1973 and 1980 to the present time .
25 Up to the present time , the study of language and its relation both to processes involved in language performance and to processes underlying the activity of reasoning have been fragmented , split into the separate disciplines of linguistics , artificial intelligence , pragmatics ( the study of human communication ) , and psychology , each with their own theoretical models of language or aspects of language use .
26 The letter says ‘ Up to the present time items of play equipment have been loaned by Scorton Village School but these have now had to be returned and replacement equipment will be most beneficial for the group to continue .
27 My success up to the present time has been greater than I could have anticipated both as regards obtaining much information that is entirely new as well as in bringing together one of the finest collections that has ever been formed .
28 Its psychogenic origin was reaffirmed with the descriptions of Ryle , Sheldon , Berkman , and Venables in the 1930s , a point of view that has predominated to the present time .
29 Significant vertical uplift probably began in the Oligocene about 35 Ma ago and has continued to the present time , but at varying rates .
30 Because largely up to the present time in the er , as far as older people are concerned , then the only alternative to the current truth , and direct provider of services , has been the straight private sector .
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