Example sentences of "it seems [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
2 This is not the only model to produce a close fit and in conclusion it seems that Lavery 's ( 1975 , 198 ) assessment of the use of models in forecasting recreation demand is still very relevant for the mid to late 1980s :
3 Although the role of magnetic field structures both as channels for energy supply and for containing hot plasma has long been recognised , it seems that Yohkoh may allow a detailed understanding of some processes involved .
4 It seems that England might just have to put up with the barracking of the public , press and the other home nations Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland .
5 There has been no love lost between Scots and English at big sporting occasions for as long as one can remember , but it seems that England 's rugby aficionados find it hard to forgive Scotland for that Grand Slam defeat in 1990 .
6 In the case of the morning papers , it seems that papers such as The Times and the Daily Telegraph are much more difficult than their Swedish counterparts .
7 It seems that Kemp is an important man .
8 It seems that reports of my breath have been greatly exaggerated . ’
9 It seems that Raaff 's influence with the elector helped to procure Mozart 's most important commission to date — an opera to be performed during the 1781 Munich carnival season .
10 A Midland-based company , British Contact Sports Supplies , is currently trying to make the suit knife- and bullet-proof and , although no one from the Met Police could confirm or deny the rumours , it seems that plans may be afoot for them to adopt the suit in the future
11 The full story of what happened has never been reported , but it seems that Kambona had lost in a power struggle with other key figures in the Cabinet and TANU .
12 So it seems that Ras can be activated by merely increasing the total cellular concentration of activator , without requiring receptor-dependent modification .
13 It seems that Alan Kernaghan was out of contract , thus a free agent for 4 months .
14 Yet for the early mammalian embryo , it seems that Driesch was correct for there is no polarity laid down in the egg .
15 Basically it seems that Tod scores drugs here .
16 It seems that Carroll 's obsession with time in this chapter is not completely dreamt up , or was his infatuation with continually waking up the dormouse .
17 The British Chiefs of Staff and the Foreign Office put up an obdurate defence , yet it seems that Attlee did not begin to retreat until January 1947 , around the time of the decision to proceed with a British nuclear bomb .
18 To sum up : It seems that particles can fall into black holes that then evaporate and disappear from our region of the universe .
19 It seems that Ipuky 's daughter was rebellious ; but they either do n't know what she got up to , or wo n't say .
20 It seems that Arthur , and his Knights of the Round Table lived in GLOUCESTERSHIRE , and NOT Glastonbury , which has always purported to be the REAL Camelot .
21 It seems that Watkins 's energies have gone into making sure he has got the details right at the expense of analysis .
22 But for the moment it seems that Chevenement is fighting to keep up appearances of big budget increases while losing at least a little ground to other ministries in that fight for limited funds .
23 It seems that Panna was born asexual — with no visible sexual characteristics — into a poor family who lived in a village near Varanasi .
24 It seems that drop-outs at this early stage have remained a serious problem , particularly in rural areas , though there has been some improvement in the retention rates over the whole primary cycle ( SSA to Standard Five ) .
25 It seems that Paris is the second home for St Mark 's staffers .
26 ‘ Batter my heart , three-person 'd God ’ , wrote John Donne ; it seems that Wordsworth has decided , his spirit broken , to try the Christian ‘ hope ’ of personal immortality .
27 Because it seems that Albie got himself into trouble two times over — once for the money , once for something else .
28 For example , it seems that rats must be able to move about and explore their environment if they are to form an adequate map of it .
29 It seems that Hamilton received independent confirmation of how good the School was .
30 It seems that girls may be given fancier names because this fits in with a traditionally feminine image while the common masculine-sounding names for boy babies , like Richard , David , James and Alexander , would ostensibly give a boy fewer problems than Tarquin or Marmaduke .
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