Example sentences of "it may [be] noted " in BNC.

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1 It may be noted that these acts were replaced by the Supreme Court of judicature ( Consolidation ) Act 1925 , which has itself now been replaced by the Supreme Court Act 1981 and by certain provisions in the Limitation Act 1980 ( consolidating earlier Limitation Acts ) .
2 It may be noted that in Criminal Law anyone who aids , counsels , or procures the commission of an offence is liable to be tried and punished in the same way as if he were a principal offender .
3 ( It may be noted that equitable rights may themselves form the subject of a trust .
4 In any event , it may be noted that the science attainment targets seek to put the scientific aspects of human reproduction into a social and emotional context , in a way that is consistent with the requirements of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 .
5 It may be noted that the experiments by Siegel ( 1970 ) , James ( 1971 ) , and Crowell and Anderson ( 1972 ) , which failed to find any loss of latent inhibition at longer intervals , all gave repeated presentations of the target stimulus in pre-exposure ; that is , they gave training likely to establish a context — target association .
6 It may be noted , however , that the connectionist theory is in principle identical to that of Wagner ( 1976 , 1981 ) .
7 It may be noted that Wagner 's ( 1976 ) theory makes the same prediction .
8 It may be noted , however , that the Tribunal ( all lawyers ) is appointed by the Prime Minister ( nominally the Queen ) for fixed periods of five years .
9 It may be noted for the sake of completeness that respect for the patient 's right to self-determination is not without its own limitation .
10 Before introducing a new set of coordinates , it may be noted in passing that Feinstein and Ibañez ( 1989 ) have considered an alternative coordinate system and have expanded a general solution in a different way involving Bessel and Neumann functions of zero order .
11 ( 10.10 ) With this , it may be noted that ( 10.11 ) and t and z can be expressed in terms of f and g by ( 10.12 ) The boundaries of region IV are now the hypersurfaces on which , and the focusing hypersurface in this region occurs when .
12 It may be noted that the Legendre functions of the second kind are all singular when .
13 It may be noted in passing that particular terms of this type have been included by Feinstein and Ibañez ( 1989 ) in the class of solutions that will be described in Section 10.7 .
14 It may be noted that when , the initial boundaries and of region IV contain a distribution-valued singularity .
15 At the conclusion of this section , it may be noted that Ferrari and Ibañez ( 1988 ) have shown that the shear-free principal null congruences associated with this type D space-time do not focus on the horizon .
16 ( 10.60 ) It may be noted that the new coordinate t is a decreasing , or past pointing , time-like coordinate , and that the singularity in region IV occurs when .
17 It may be noted that this property is also shared by the combination of terms that are contained in ( 10.16 ) .
18 It may be noted that these solutions are continuous on the boundaries between the subregions A and B. Also , the terms involving the Legendre functions of the first kind are regular on the focusing hypersurface , while those involving the Legendre functions of the second kind are singular on this surface .
19 It may be noted , of course , that non-integer values of n may also be included .
20 It may be noted that the solutions ( 10.80 ) have been obtained by separating the variables in ( 10.62 ) , taking only solutions that are periodic in z .
21 It may be noted that the inequalities ( 12.6 ) provide strong constraints on the range of permissible values of the parameter b in ( 12.2 ) .
22 It may be noted that , in ( 12.12 ) , the function M is unaltered .
23 It may be noted in passing that , in the colinear case in which and , this generation technique is equivalent to putting which is effectively contained in ( 12.1 ) but with a change in the sign of V .
24 The space-time is of algebraic type D and , in particular , it may be noted that ( 13.29 ) The curvature is clearly non-singular as except in the aligned case ( or ) .
25 It may be noted , however , that if the signs of the expressions for t , p and q in ( 13.24 ) and ( 13.23 ) are changed , the Kerr metric ( 13.27 ) is still obtained but the orientation of r is altered .
26 It may be noted that in this limit , the rotation of the Kerr solution vanishes , and the solution reduces to the same part of the Schwarzschild space-time as the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez solution .
27 As usual , it may be noted that ( 6.22a ) can immediately be integrated to give ( 15 4 ) where f and g are arbitrary decreasing functions in the interaction region .
28 It may be noted that although throughout the preceding period the vast proportion of the nation 's building costs was being spent on war damage repairs and reinstatement , an activity in which building and quantity surveyors provided invaluable service , the building surveyor made no impact within the Institution at this time .
29 And lest there be any misunderstanding as to the intensity of the attachment Lugard had in mind , it may be noted that his thinking revealed itself quite clearly on the subject of loyalty when he wrote of military matters and the secret of command .
30 It may be noted in passing that the advertisement supplement , far from being a modern development first appeared in 1666 in this country .
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