Example sentences of "it may [be] said " in BNC.

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1 It may be said to have begun with a golliwog , ’ he wrote , ’ and ended with an alsatian bitch' .
2 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
3 In a society where we spend so much money , time and effort in trying to attain immortality , by constantly eradicating the diseases from which a human being can die , it may be said that we find it more and more difficult to face mortality either in ourselves or in those close to us .
4 It may be said that this is just one of the cases where it is impossible to be neutral .
5 It may be said that the social work of the cinema is to naturalized certain sense of individual subjectivity by producing cinema-viewing as a timeless and abundant experience .
6 As Chapman observed : ‘ Although I do not suggest that the Arsenal go on the defensive even for tactical purposes , I think it may be said that some of their best scoring chances have come when they have been driven back and then have broken away to strike suddenly and swiftly . ’
7 In consequence , how many people are there today of whom it may be said , as regards their use of themselves , ‘ in form and moving how express and admirable ’ ?
8 It may be said that we have to plan for the future , and I entirely agree , but most of our thoughts can be best described as nonsense .
9 Nevertheless it may be said that Elizabeth Taylor was more often at her best in each successive collection of stories , though I do not know that she ever surpassed the brilliant study of deception in the title story of A Dedicated Man .
10 As the leading Ramsay scholar Alistair Smart has written , after 1754 , ‘ It may be said that where Ramsay previously coloured , now he tints . ’
11 Hence it may be said that ‘ health service inflation ’ has risen faster than inflation in the rest of the economy .
12 In conclusion it may be said that the structure of the spirit world constitutes both a model of and a model for the larger social system in which the Buid are embedded .
13 However , ‘ it may be said that … because one thing may be the sole evidence of the existence of another thing , it does not follow that the two are one and the same .
14 The attribute whiteness ( it may be said ) is not the fact of receiving the sensation , but something in the object itself ; a power inherent in it ; something in virtue of which the object produces the sensation ’ .
15 It may be said that a sensation of heat in the hand is not really an impression as of our hand being hot , but is simply something that we normally happen to get when our hand heats up .
16 All right , it may be said , to say ‘ I know ’ and ‘ I remember ’ and ‘ I hope ’ is to do something ; but nevertheless there are some utterances which are no more than expressions of mental states , namely when the mental states in question are simply sensations , such as aches and pains .
17 Embarrassment , it seems clear , is a major concern of the British psyche , and the dreams the British dream , if opinion-polls are to be believed , tend to be about social embarrassment , with amorous fantasy playing only a disappointingly minor role ; and if that is to be taken in evidence , then it may be said to represent a more powerful obsession than sex .
18 It may be said at once that these questions can not be answered with complete certainty .
19 In trying to summarise these findings , it may be said that linguistic knowledge does appear to be the important variable .
20 This situation might seem more difficult in the case of physical activities such as walking : I walk , with or without conscious effort , it may be said , but have no access of any kind to the associated brain , nerve and muscle activities , even though we have perfectly good physiological evidence for the regular association of those activities with the act of walking .
21 Even in the human case , it may be said ( Dreyfus 1972 ) , it is doubtful whether computations like those used in AI go on ( except possibly during conscious logical or mathematical calculation ) .
22 It may be said that in some cases , at least , such a tendency will show up in that species merely as itself — that is to say , as a merely biological character of that species .
23 To allow people to comfort themselves that less than the best ( or equal best ) is good enough , is , it may be said , just a recipe for idle complacency .
24 It may be said that this is not imagining the activity of a postman at all .
25 As against this , it may be said that it is psychologically impossible ( or perhaps impossible in some stronger logical sense ) to retain either beliefs or attitudes of which the inconsistency has become manifest to one .
26 Summing up the Japanese impact on Korea , it may be said that efficient but harsh administration was provided ; economic progress was promoted yet in a distorted way , designed to benefit the colonial master .
27 It is no longer , as it were , a global political programme , as it may be said to have been in the 19th and earlier 20th centuries .
28 In general it may be said that ‘ Cromwell 's decade ’ saw a doubling of the ordinary revenue of the Crown — though it also saw an increased expenditure , especially on the household , administration , defence , and Ireland .
29 Moreover , it allows us to adjudicate on a matter with which the bible does not concern itself ( as it may be said not to concern itself with the question of the liberation of women ) .
30 Thus it may be said ( stage one ) that fundamental to the biblical outlook is that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , no more male and female .
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