Example sentences of "it easier for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We will make it easier for small schools to enjoy the benefits of GM status by grouping together .
2 ‘ When this relief was introduced we fought long and hard to get the term ‘ poverty ’ replaced by ‘ hardship ’ to make it easier for small businesses to qualify .
3 Disability Working Allowance will make it easier for disabled people to take up a job .
4 Compact should make it easier for all teachers from Compact schools to meet people from industry who would be prepared to share in curriculum development .
5 Such a split should clarify the distribution of costs and make it easier for competing train services to run on the same track .
6 Puzzle number two is that other changes in financial markets were meanwhile making it easier for such principles to apply .
7 " This development would not only be a danger in itself but also help set a trend which will make it easier for other countries in the region to follow , " a Greenpeace statement said .
8 The long period of Conservative government from 1951–64 made it easier for Labour MPs , released from electoral inhibitions , to press for abolition .
9 The exemption has been granted to make it easier for eastern companies to adapt to the new standards .
10 The UK 's largest friendly society , Family Assurance , has joined forces with the medical group Private Patients Plan ( PPP ) to make it easier for young people to buy their first home , with a policy called Generation Builder .
11 The Government will make it easier for private financing of projects and will allow more use of leasing .
12 Special paving slabs , which make it easier for blind and partially-sighted pedestrians to distinguish the crossing have been introduced .
13 Some agencies prefer that provision should be made to make it easier for confused tenants to move on from sheltered housing .
14 Discrimination between individuals consists in making it easier for some than for others to realize their ideals of the good .
15 We now need to make it easier for those council tenants living in high-cost areas or on low incomes to move gradually into home ownership , without taking on too heavy a financial burden at any one time .
16 We will reform benefits for people with disabilities and make it easier for those available for work to take employment .
17 And all of that makes it easier for those who are leading or in control to change the policies and get acceptance .
18 Just as the introduction of word processing made it easier for people to produce and maintain large documents , so desktop publishing makes it easier for those same people to produce professional looking publications .
19 Just as the introduction of word processing made it easier for people to produce and maintain large documents so desktop publishing makes it easier for those same people to produce professional looking publications .
20 The Times of June 8 reported that following the riots the government had granted Belgian nationality to 40,000 immigrants , most of whom came from north Africa , and had made it easier for those born in Belgium of foreign parents to gain citizenship .
21 Oh oh yes yes the union did erm get that er sorted out you know , and er and then when the buses began to run it made it easier for those worked in Willenhall and er and it just be about threepence of fourpence in our money go there then , but erm and then the hours were altered you see , eight o'clock and finish at six o'clock and er and then it used to be seven to seven you see .
22 Readings such as that of Schüssler Fiorenza and Trible may make it easier for Christian women who are feminists to associate themselves with the Christian tradition .
23 Recent changes in legislation have made it easier for local authorities to promote traffic calming schemes and a significant programme for their provision has been approved by the Regional Council .
24 ‘ The presence of a semi-invalid is something I neither invited nor desired , so please make it easier for both of us by giving as little trouble as possible . ’
25 A spokesman for the joint scheme said : ‘ We want to make it easier for British and Russian publishers to do business together by putting some funds into payment for rights .
26 And benefit changes make it easier for more families — including single parents — to combine work and family responsibilities .
27 Dr Walter Kilner developed some screens filled with a dicyanin solution which sensitized the eyes and made it easier for more people to see the aura .
28 This makes it easier for more particles to tunnel out , and so the emission will continue at an ever-increasing rate until eventually the black hole radiates itself out of existence .
29 The bill also made permanent changes in the system in order to make it easier for more people to qualify for extended jobless benefits in the future .
30 The government is also expected to make it easier for foreign investors to take profits out of the country .
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