Example sentences of "it was thought [that] " in BNC.

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1 In the past it was thought that the chance of having a glider struck by lightning in cloud was negligible .
2 It was thought that people tapping into the power supply illegally were sending high-voltage ‘ spikes ’ down the line .
3 He was head of the Military Intelligence Service ( MIS ) until his fall from grace in 1983 , when it was thought that Ne Win , Burma 's autocratic ruler since 1962 , perceived him as a threat to his leadership .
4 It was thought that a questionnaire which asked police officers to tick the answer which came nearest to their attitude toward Catholics , or best reflected their feelings about being targets , would be very unreliable , especially when asked by someone with whom they were unfamiliar .
5 It was thought that anyone subscribing to a newspaper would have to pay a special tax .
6 Conran suspects that the current vogue for de-mergers will eventually turn full circle and there will be a return to the times when it was thought that ,
7 Ten years ago it was thought that something positive should be done to encourage and thank our faithful and hardworking Secretaries and Promoters .
8 In some of the early work on TL dating of ocean sediments , it was thought that the TL observed was produced by foraminifera or radiolaria and that the zeroing mechanism was the formation of their shells .
9 Previously it was thought that all coins were struck from separate dies , but the increasing sophistication of photography in the late nineteenth century enabled scholars to appreciate that die links could be found , and the first full die study of the coins of a Greek city was published in 1906 .
10 Originally it was thought that this question might provide some useful insights into possible cover to allow people to attend courses .
11 It was thought that this might best be achieved by reconstructing the village , with each building standing on its original site and being used , wherever possible , for its original purpose .
12 When originally introduced it was thought that the availability of a detergent with inherent bactericidal characteristics would solve many of the problems associated with both cleaning and disinfection .
13 The aminosalicylate reduced the fever , but as salicylates are known to do this it was thought that the effect might be non-specific .
14 The intention had been to give the premiere of Sea Change at Sadler 's Wells to open the Theatre Ballet 's new season there , but it was thought that by then John would already have left for New York to take part in the Sadler 's Wells Ballet 's first American tour , so the decision was made to present the ballet first on 18 July 1949 at the Gaiety Theatre , Dublin , where the company concluded its summer tour .
15 The cyclical nature of events was regarded by many thinkers as inevitable , because it was thought that otherwise they would be deprived of both ‘ rationality ’ and ‘ legality ’ .
16 Just as with other heroes like Arthur and Charlemagne , it was thought that he had been transported to another time or place to await his country 's greatest need .
17 For it was thought that the generalist could , whenever he wanted to , add a specialist dimension to his knowledge , but general concepts were less easy to derive from the specialist .
18 At one time it was thought that the brain reached its peak of potential performance when the individual was between the ages of 18 and 25 years and that , from that time onwards , it began to deteriorate .
19 It was thought that if the balls of soft paste were boiled , long enough to toughen the outer surface , but not for too long so that the inner remained soft , there would still be plenty of flavour left in the bait to serve its purpose , and sufficient toughness to make it extremely difficult for a smaller fish to take the bait in smaller portions .
20 The fog was too thick for any of the heavies to attempt takeoff , but it was thought that the lighter , smaller and more manoeuvrable Mosquitoes might just make it .
21 It was thought that Green took his large prepared copper plates out into the landscape and worked on them in front of the actual view , but when one looks at a print of a recognisable location the image is not reversed as would have been the case if a direct drawing onto the plate had been made from nature .
22 As it happens , in the early days of computers it was thought that it would be only a few years before computers would be able to understand natural language .
23 It was thought that as phosphates were needed to transfer the energy , arising from the dismemberment of carbohydrate , ingesting phosphate would give energy .
24 When autotomy was first observed it was thought that the killer simply ripped off the tail by brute force , but closer study revealed that many lizards , especially geckos , have evolved special break-points in their tails — weak spots that fracture with great ease and make the sacrifice a simple matter .
25 Until 1828 it was thought that only living things could make such molecules — hence the name ‘ organic ’ .
26 It was thought that only animals of that description could either eject rabbits from their burrows or kill them underground .
27 The target date of 1992 was chosen for the completion of the single market and it was thought that it would take the lifetime of two Commissions to complete the programme .
28 Hitherto it was thought that natural selection is standing still , or merely weeding out the more harmful defects .
29 When it came to casting , it was thought that Jean-Paul Belmondo would be the best choice to play the Charrière role , although his international renown was beginning to fade a little .
30 It was thought that the existing arrangement by which the B.E.T .
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