Example sentences of "it was several [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was several preceptors phasing out together , Posi later explained , that threw directional control and some other functions out of kilter .
2 It was several minutes before he had found the courage to ask her how she had got to the beach .
3 The house seemed to be an absolute maze of rooms , though , and it was several minutes before she finally opened a door that led into a surprisingly well-equipped kitchen .
4 And it was several minutes before her quick ears picked up , from somewhere well ahead of her , the snap of a broken branch under a trampling foot .
5 It was several minutes into the meal before Rune broke the silence between them .
6 Her lifeless fingers refused to obey the simplest of commands , and it was several minutes before she felt the spray , as hot as she could bear , pounding her stiffened body back into life , tingling the nerve-ends until she felt almost human again .
7 It was several minutes before she decided that he really was n't there .
8 It was several minutes before Harris reappeared .
9 And when at last he got a ringing tone , it was several minutes before it was answered .
10 It was several minutes before Tommy , wearing the dead German 's pickelhaube , appeared at the top of the stone steps .
11 His monistic philosophy promoted a sense of the unity of Nature among later generations of environmentalists , but it was several decades before serious work on what would now be called ecological topics began .
12 Begun in the 1250s , it was several times remodelled and in the 1470s King Matthias added a fine tower which still stands and for which the Church has been named since .
13 It was several pages long and marked ‘ Top Secret for Addressee Only ’ .
14 It was several storeys high , with many small windows , some of which were barred .
15 His agitation seemed an aspect of my fading dream , and it was several moments before I could take in what he was saying .
16 It was several moments before she realized she was running ankle-deep in water .
17 It was several moments before she regained her self-control .
18 It was several moments before he spoke .
19 It was several moments before he replaced the little oil in the box along with Tommy 's other possessions .
20 It was several points short of a pencil .
21 I was so immersed in my thoughts that it was several seconds before I realised that the sound dinning in my ears was the telephone ringing .
22 It was several seconds before they recovered their breath .
23 It was several seconds before Lindsey recognised the dark-haired girl grinning at her .
24 It was several seconds before it dawned on her that his last words had been spoken in Italian .
25 Foul weather with squally winds put paid to an immediate start on the building so it was several months before the engine strip-down could begin under the new roof .
26 Negotiations opened but it was several months before the two men reached an agreement for ‘ substantial borrowings ’ .
27 It was several months before the truth finally dawned on me that although I was being entirely faithful to her she had no inhibitions about sleeping with other men for kicks . ’
28 It was several months before anything significant happened in Edward 's life — by which time he was so sick of the stagnant war that he would have been prepared to be parachuted into the heart of Germany wearing a kilt .
29 He ha scored ten in thirty minutes before he was hit on the temple of his helmet by a ball from Marshall that lifted sharply ; with his vision blurred it was several days before he left hospital , and he did not play again all season .
30 The mystery of this curious behaviour intrigued me , but it was several days before I discovered its logic from a Prague friend .
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