Example sentences of "it was suggest that " in BNC.

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1 I would , I worry terribly much about this discussion and it was suggesting that men are somehow the root of all evil and all
2 However , it was suggested that he could overcome that hurdle by signing the Blackpool involvement over to his wife .
3 In Saratov itself it was suggested that there should be a 2 per cent deduction from water-workers ' pay in order to improve cultural facilities .
4 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
5 Dan Wagoner 's own new work , first staged in Plymouth in October , has a jokey title , Turtles All The Way Down , and has something to do with a Bertrand Russell lecture when it was suggested that the Earth is not round but carried on the back of a giant tortoise which stands on turtles all the way down .
6 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
7 In addition it was suggested that only about a quarter of the earlier sample of women had used birth control methods other than withdrawal compared with 57 per cent of the latter group .
8 In Leeds , thought to be one of the most powerful and well-organized centres of fascism , it was suggested that there were only 100 to 200 fascists and no regular outdoor meetings , though it was noted :
9 But at the time , characteristically , it was suggested that the book must have been written by Jean-Paul Sartre , the companion whom de Beauvoir was famous for not being married to .
10 Crudely simplified , majority opinion passed through two well-defined phases in the West : first , it was assumed that war was unthinkable and impossible as a continuation of policy ; later , it was suggested that within certain limits nuclear war might still be winnable , if you were sufficiently prepared .
11 A member of the group mentioned that an uncle of his , a retired coal miner , had been telling him about Highlander , and it was suggested that Highlander might be willing to help in some way .
12 When it was suggested that the dredged-out silt could be used to cover a children 's playground , the National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) advised against this , because of the contamination present .
13 A Baroque façade was added in the seventeenth-century but much of this was lost when it was suggested that it was shadowing the more important church of Santa Maria beside it .
14 When we got there , we were introduced to several divers who swapped telephone numbers with us and it was suggested that we have a dive with an instructor to re-orient us to diving in this country .
15 At the Chester Beatty Institute , it was suggested that nitrogen mustards might alkylate two adjacent molecules at once and so link them together .
16 For example , in the 1985 Green Paper on the future of the universities ( altogether a somewhat hasty and ill-expressed document ) it was suggested that more money should be given to universities , and more places offered to students , for sciences than for the arts , and this policy is now being implemented , with considerable effect on the schools .
17 It was suggested that he had implied a criticism of Milošević when he used the phrase ‘ easy promises of quick success , .
18 Yet not too long afterwards , it was suggested that for a salesman with 20 years ' continuous employment , three years was an appropriate improvement period ; many would think that to be erring on the high side .
19 When the Irish troubles peaked in the 1970s , it was suggested that an employee based in England might be able to decline to go to Belfast on company business , even though his contract provided for that .
20 At about that time , a meeting allegedly took place between Nicholson , Hofmann and another of Hofmann 's associates , Henry Medlock , at which it was suggested that arsenic acid should be tried as an oxidising agent .
21 Following the discovery of prostacyclin it was suggested that endothelial cell production of this very potent antiaggregatory substance might explain this important property ( Moncada et al , 1977 ; Moncada & Vane , 1978 ) .
22 Indeed , in their most extreme form , it was suggested that the legislation of the 1980s heralded the end of local government as an independent sphere .
23 It was suggested that the morale of Registry staff was low , and they appeared isolated from other parts of the departments with no appreciation of their role in terms of other functions , due to the lack of feedback about their performance in meeting the needs of the users .
24 It was suggested that surely we could spare one , or even two , to put in a token appearance now and then ?
25 Following on from such work it was suggested that drugs which tend to increase the activity of acetylcholine might improve learning and memory .
26 Now , it was suggested that Mr X 's alleged subnormality did not seem consistent with a lifestyle that involved successful gambling in London clubs at a complicated card game called Kalooki , savings of £30 000 , and familiarity not just with English and French but with Hebrew and Arabic as well .
27 It was suggested that the caravan dwellers might be hoping for a house on the new Greenstiles development , but Medstead housing group chairman , David Winter , felt it unlikely .
28 It was suggested that the auction should be held in the open-air to enable more people to take part but William Dunlop objected , insisting that the venue be strictly adhered to as arranged .
29 Even though it was suggested that such crises may at some point lead to a collapse of the system , this is not inevitable nor even highly probable .
30 In discussion it was suggested that one could consider the clash of values at the local level in terms of game theory , where ‘ traditionalists ’ were playing the game and were winning whereas ‘ progressivists ’ were not in the game but wanted to change the rules so that they could compete .
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