Example sentences of "it was [adv] consider " in BNC.

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1 By this time it was generally considered that the forests were anachronistic and unprofitable .
2 As a political organisation it was generally considered defunct .
3 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
4 Even if we disregard the sporadic use of violence against the movement , and its infiltration by spies and agents provocateurs , it is clear that it was generally considered by the controlling bodies of universities and by party politicians as an illegitimate form of political action , even though its principal aim was to extend democratic participation in one of the most important institutions ( both economically and culturally ) of modern society , and in many cases it succeeded in enlivening academic studies , as well as improving methods of teaching and assessment .
5 While it was generally considered to be almost impossible to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered along with the donor 's name .
6 While it was generally considered to be difficult to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered .
7 And when you the schools , the shops in that area , I 'm not only surprised it was n't considered in the first place , but secondly , it is the key to the whole scheme and er although I 'm quite happy to move the erm recommendation , I must say that I have a very very deep concern regarding Road .
8 Because it was n't considered that that the level of housing required could be accommodated in that area .
9 Its terms were so depressingly restrictive — it was not to consider the guilt or innocence of Meehan or Waddell — that the Meehan Committee and Meehan himself debated whether to give evidence to it or not .
10 It was not considered an easy or even feasible task to prove this relationship , but the North East CAB area policy comment sub-committee nevertheless launched a pilot study .
11 In Danzig it was still possible for a merchant to make a small fortune from the grain and timber trades , but it was not considered wise to invest the profits in agriculture — either the farms were too small and the returns non-existent , or the estates were too ramshackle and labour-intensive to warrant investment .
12 Whilst an extension of the deconcentration of central government might have gone some way towards abating these feelings , it was not considered by the majority to be a sufficient remedy .
13 Although one of the most interesting objects in the sale , it was not considered sufficiently rare — or Bavarian — to be among the items withdrawn from the sale at the instigation of the Bavarian State , which at the time of writing was still negotiating with Fürstin Gloria over what exactly will still come up in the future Regensburg sale .
14 Heisenberg did not immediately appreciate this last point and in the first draft of his paper it was not considered .
15 At around £5 per foot in 1964 it was not considered too expensive .
16 I ca n't answer that , because erm there 's certainly nothing in the text of the plan to suggest why it was not considered appropriate , erm and I do n't know erm I I ca n't instantly think what factors erm might have gone into that consideration .
17 Until recently , for example , it was not considered to apply between consumers of gas or water and the public industries which supply them .
18 A new law introducing more stringent measures against racism and anti-Semitism was approved by the National Assembly in a first reading on May 3 , 1990 , and in a final reading on June 30 ( it was not considered by the Senate , which saw no need for textual revisions ) .
19 In the absence of a basic level of agreement on issues , however , it was not considered worthwhile to bring delegates together at the conference table .
20 As well as these apprehensions it was also considered that the extension and development of the social services was more in keeping with collectivist principles and would not restrict benefit to families with children .
21 It was also considered worthy of inclusion among the gifts presented to Tsars by envoys from the Electors of Brandenburg .
22 It was widely considered that US co-operation was essential to the success of any initiative on global warming , since one-fifth of all " greenhouse gases " ( carbon dioxide , chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs , nitrous oxide , methane and surface ozone ) were produced in the USA .
23 In the years before 1945 children with visual defects , especially high myopes ( children with severe short sight ) , were admitted to ‘ sight-saving ’ classes , as it was then considered that restricting the use of vision would help to conserve it .
24 In 1837 there had been improvements to the dressing floors , and it was then considered likely that every two months about 400 tons of merchantable ore and concentrate would soon be a reality , though the low price of copper prevailing at that time was felt to be something of a drawback .
25 Although it was initially considered that these endoscopic signs were features of disease recrudescence , careful perioperative and postoperative surveillance studies have established that the lesions represent true disease recurrence .
26 While previously residential care had been seen as the solution for many young children , it was now considered as part of the problem .
27 He was not a lady 's man in the accepted sense , rather he championed and encouraged single women to travel at a time when it was still considered bad form for a respectable young lady to take a shopping trip to London unchaperoned , let alone visit the Continent .
28 Daube argued several years ago that ‘ it is time to revise our legal construction … of surgery in general ’ , and criticized the fact that it was still considered an assault rendered lawful by consent .
29 It is interesting that while the quota system was rejected as a means of providing equality of opportunity for gender and religious affiliation , it was still considered an acceptable and effective means of achieving the same aim for people with disabilities .
30 The reference to the ‘ friend ’ had to do with my association with the Speech Institute , where I was giving a course of lectures on what the Directress , Miss Marjorie Gullan , liked to call ‘ Modernist Poetry ’ ( for it was still considered that ‘ poetry ’ ended with the Georgians , whom we had all studied at school , and that Pound and Eliot were advanced experimenters ) .
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