Example sentences of "it is clear that " in BNC.

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31 Writing these articles increased Marx 's interest in the nature of these societies and it is clear that he read widely , especially about India .
32 None the less it is clear that Marx felt that before he could complete a book on pre-capitalist societies , he had to find out much more about these societies and their transformations .
33 It is clear that for Marx the ‘ discovery ’ of the gens was probably the most important of Morgan 's contribution to anthropology .
34 Although in all the three books considered there is some evolutionary scheme , when we take them together it is clear that Marx and Engels were very willing to modify the overall picture whenever they obtained new information .
35 Whatever defence is mounted , it is clear that these films , for Levin , exist as auratic objects , and Debord their auraticised progenitor .
36 However , it is clear that an imaginative treatment of this form of interior could show off the texture and complexity of the original timber structure to dramatic effect .
37 Although it is clear that these changes were made in order to admit light to the new , deep-plan living accommodation , it is conceivable that the judicious use of ranges of standard reversible and ventilating roof windows might have provided an answer to this requirement which would have been less erosive of the original external appearance .
38 It is clear that a main attraction of the project for its participants was the opportunity offered to obtain a large amount of space in a Central London location for a modest outlay .
39 It is clear that some provision of communal rooms is important in the conversion of old buildings to multiple occupation , and consistent with other comparable projects analysed in this book , the common room of Thames Tunnel Mills is logically located at ground-floor level .
40 It is clear that the extensions to permitted opening hours have not led to a marked increase in overall consumption , ’ the report concluded .
41 Stepson of a rabbi and product of a broken home , Laszlo was brought up in an orphanage , and it is clear that from a very early age this intense , obstinate man sought not only to bring order to his own life but to control to an unprecedented degree the environment of his future family .
42 IN THE YEAR that saw mankind 's first wave of planetary exploration reach a glorious climax with Voyager 2 's passage of Neptune , it is clear that new space efforts will concentrate on the third planet from the Sun .
43 It is clear that at a meeting on July 4 between Lord Young and BAe , discussions included various tax benefits for Rover , to be achieved through the removal of the ring fence on tax losses and sympathetic revenue treatment .
44 It is clear that LRT is planning regular increases above the rate of inflation for at least the next five years .
45 If one takes everything into account — the shifts in climate which might well remove the United States from its place as the leading ‘ food power ’ and affect the Soviet Union as well , the limited prospects for increased yields , desertification and the steady increase in the global population — it is clear that in the next century large sections of the world 's population will have a very narrow margin between them and starvation .
46 It is clear that the present system , perhaps indeed any system that could be devised , is not foolproof , says the IAEA .
47 Nevertheless , it is clear that very large sums of money will have to be spent to put Eastern Europe on its feet and ensure that it stays democratic .
48 A packed run of the ‘ The Wind in the Willows ’ at the National Theatre is drawing to a close , but it is clear that Alan Bennett has launched a new Christmas tradition in London .
49 From these it is clear that the star created mayhem in any recording studio .
50 Berkeley held , as we have seen , that an abstract general idea is simply an idea of a particular thing used to stand for other such ideas ; and it is clear that what Hume applauds is Berkeley 's refusal to accept any ideas other than those of immediate and concrete experience .
51 It is clear that a payment made by him for goods bought is binding , though payment could not have been enforced against him .
52 Out there , in the darkness , it is clear that these hounds have friends , sisters , cousins , uncles .
53 It is clear that in the eyes of Jesus ' contemporaries the cross was a contemptuous symbol .
54 Notwithstanding the reservations of Glynn and Oxborrow it is clear that population growth rates were less than one third of their nineteenth century peaks and the fact is that there was a substantial loss of population from the old industrial areas to the new ones .
55 By and large , the first three factors can be discounted for the inter-war years and it is clear that the most important factor was the decline in birth rate .
56 And as a whole it is clear that the inter-war period saw Britain 's population increase , rather than decrease , as a result of migration .
57 In the first place , it is clear that the working class , along with the middle class , was reducing its fertility — although there were one of two exceptions in some of the most depressed industrial towns .
58 It is clear that the views of the unions were ignored .
59 Though Labour joined with the Conservatives in May 1940 to fight the Second World War , under Churchill 's leadership , it is clear that despite the almost obsessive concern of the public about the threat of European fascism it was only the Labour Party , slow and cumbersome in its rate of change , which actually squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions if necessary .
60 For it is clear that in the traditional view a sexually mature woman should be sexually active .
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