Example sentences of "it is likely [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is likelier that the coming attempt to restrain the economy and prices will be harsh .
2 As you become interested in film acting it is likely that you will also become interested in film making , for the actor 's work depends so much on the technical decisions of the director and editor .
3 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
4 It is likely that the inner core of local church laity , such as select vestry members of the Church of Ireland and presbyterian elders , provided and still provide one of the links between the material and spiritual interests of the groups in the alliance , as these laity were and are active in the business and commercial fields also .
5 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
6 However , it is likely that it was not felt necessary to refer the matter anywhere else as , according to current practice , it was a matter of discipline .
7 It is likely that this is caused not by having less religious education , but by the fact that they tend to be peopled by children of classes who have traditionally fewer links with the church , and include parents making active decisions to keep their children out of the clergy 's grasp .
8 It is likely that children have the important function in a new housing area of bringing parents and neighbours together , particularly when there is a lack of other social amenities — a characteristic of new housing areas in and around Dublin in the 1970s .
9 It is likely that your first point of contact for most medical services will be your Family Doctor or General Practitioner .
10 Remember if you are on an income related benefit it is likely that you will receive a grant for all the ‘ reasonable ’ costs .
11 Whatever local radio you were listening to during the 3rd week of June , it is likely that you would have heard Delahunty 's editorial director , Paul Mace , on the hour , every hour , bringing you those live reports from the Pilkington Glass Ladies ' Championships at Eastbourne .
12 It is likely that the funeral will be at times when the cemeteries or crematoria are not busy , such as early in the morning .
13 Even within a GP practice , it is likely that doctors will wish to use different hospitals and consultants , but may now be constrained from doing so .
14 It is likely that the present system of paying duty on the OG will be phased out and Britain will adopt the European method of paying tax when the beer leaves the brewery .
15 Yet it is likely that he has imposed a colour-filter on Derrida , which lets through the rational elements and occludes the irrational ones .
16 I have declined to act as external examiner to candidates whose subject or thesis title seemed to be so dubious that a successful treatment of it could only be done by a candidate of exceptional brilliance ; in such cases it is likely that the candidate has had inadequate or misguided supervision .
17 It is likely that the Government will not fully fund the required expansion in overall student numbers .
18 It is likely that the outcome of the talks , after a suitable period to allow the club to recover , will be a new takeover bid for the club , made by the Lebanese-born businessman and United director , Amer Midani .
19 It is likely that Unit will want to acquire more engineering interests to tie in with the Surrey business .
20 Over the next few months it is likely that the Home Office will order out hundreds more of the 3,500 Kurds who arrived in May and June and now live in north London .
21 It is likely that this group was betrayed by an informer .
22 It is likely that any ‘ advance ’ paid by a record company will be in excess of the minimum level of income for compulsory VAT registration purposes , so the band should be aware of their obligation to register for VAT immediately .
23 out of the £100,000 , it is likely that the manager of the band will take 20 per cent ( £20,000 ) .
24 It is likely that this loss will be funded ( at least in part ) by the record company and , in this case , the band are likely to receive an advance against future royalties .
25 Of the twenty original members it is likely that only two ( Sir Keith Joseph and Airey Neave ) voted for her on the first ballot for the leadershiP election in 1975 .
26 It is likely that Africa is now moving into a phase in which the rest of the world is less interested in her affairs .
27 This transmission , which can handle up to 221lb ft torque , is definitely the shape of things to come at Mercedes , and in the next two years it is likely that all six-cylinder Mercedes cars will be equipped with it .
28 It is likely that this will make him more tired than usual and so we might guess that he will sleep longer .
29 Where it was used to coat a sloping surface , it is likely that defects will emerge , inviting water penetration , because the material tends to ‘ creep ’ under its self-weight .
30 In the circumstance of their redundance , the usual prescription has been the demolition of the buildings and sale of their sites , but it is likely that where redundancy affects noteworthy buildings — and an increasing number of Roman Catholic churches , lacking the exemption from ‘ listing ’ currently enjoyed by the Anglican churches , are being listed as buildings of architectural or historic interest — the church hierarchy may have to consider offering them for conversion to alternative uses .
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