Example sentences of "it tend [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do not advocate using a glossy varnish , because it tends to give false readings as you try to shot the float down .
2 In fact it tends to generate some very discordant results .
3 Whereas the parachute keeps the cable under tension as it drops , if there is a cross wind it tends to drift much more than a rope with no chute .
4 Even though the image is , to some extent , chosen and contrived , it tends to highlight genuine individual characteristics , and , like it or not , a woman is judged by her image .
5 To some types of mind work at the Chancery Bar appears dull and repellent , because it tends to lack human interest .
6 Erm , the advantage of this way is it tends to confuse most of the time , but it 's a lot quicker .
7 Modern archaeology is much more scientific and it 's , it tends to excavate entire layers , layer , by layer and every little thing is relevant , you know , they , the little pot shard , erm , even bits of excrement , apparently are very interesting to archaeologists , because they 're sure people were eating , and things like this , er , you know , remnants of fire was charcoal , everything .
8 Important as this is , it tends to ignore other histories .
9 It tends to ignore some of the more interesting theoretical issues concerned with the ways in which Chomskyan notions of Universal Grammar interact with the immediate linguistic , cognitive and contextual features that are the properties of individual children and fails to suggest how research into language acquisition is developing in other areas .
10 But I think it tends to save any type of … any misunderstandings that may later take place as a result of it being a one-on-one deal .
11 The main difficulty with the HCF approach , however interpreted , is that it tends to jettison most of what is distinctive of religion .
12 If it examines them separately , it tends to reiterate dominant discourses of working-class social or even biological deviance , by studying working-class subjects ' inadequacies at work , their problems when unemployed , and their failures in education .
13 However , the danger evident in some of the work produced here is that , like diffusionism , it tends to examine particular cultural items without an adequate appreciation of their social context , and so may give a distorted picture of what are essentially social phenomena .
14 Forestry is to a certain extent in conflict with agriculture not only because it removes large areas of land from farming for 50 or more years , but also because in its modern forms of organisation it tends to employ fewer local people .
15 Aerate the lawn if it tends to become waterlogged or growth is very poor .
16 This is typically a thin , irritant discharge with a characteristic ‘ fishy ’ odour , and any skin that comes into contact with it tends to become excoriated and sore .
17 Repeated official and unofficial enquiries have suggested that the foreign exporting sector buys very little that is of Irish manufacture , and even when it does buy locally it tends to buy low value-added goods , like packaging materials and industrial consumables .
18 It tends to encourage any tendency to the suppression of initiative , and to foster cautious conservatism , perhaps to the point of atrophy .
19 If you 're using wooden or fibrous plaster mouldings without pilaster for the arch , it tends to look better with corbels fitted to its ‘ springing points ’ ( where the arch starts on the side walls ) .
20 Of course I admit there 's an alcohol problem , but then again it tends to look worse than it is because the res is dry so everyone congregates at the nearest bar , which is two miles south , in Nebraska .
21 Non-literate music making almost demands repetitive or traditional frameworks , and — as counter-balance ? — these stimulate improvised nuance and inflection , yet transcribed into notation , with the nuances missing , it tends to look banal .
22 because of the way it tends to bind many poorer consumers into using just one type of credit ( considerably more costly than non-collection types ) more or less as a matter of course .
23 Just as the sea , on its own , can be uncomfortably tedious , or just uncomfortable , so it tends to fashion strong , often amusing , character in those who spend their working lives upon it .
24 But it tends to achieve each draw with a high , shared score .
25 Does it tend to look limp and lifeless no matter how much time you spend styling it .
26 It tended to replace teacher-imposed activities in which the whole class joined .
27 Together with the Reichsjugendgerichtsgesetz ( RJGG , Juvenile Court Act ) of 1923 it tended to replace punitive measures with pedagogical , child-oriented principles and to set standards for national youth departments in every part of the country ( Sachsse and Tennstedt , 1988 , p. 99 ) .
28 Selection for technical education continued to take place , generally at thirteen , but it tended to reflect existing patterns set by two years of secondary schooling so that grammar school successes were unlikely to change in mid-stream .
29 The Leeds role was initially , and to some extent remained , broader than either of these , though it tended to become less and less distinguishable from that of curriculum leader .
30 It tended to produce this monotonous field pattern , and it also produced ‘ a continuous sheet of greensward ’ , as William Marshall observed of Leicestershire in 1790 , instead of the multi-coloured patchwork of the old arable strips .
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