Example sentences of "it fail [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
2 In 1972 it failed to reach reserve price when it came under the hammer at auction .
3 Though it captured much of the dynamic of British and American FDI in the pre-oil shock world , it failed to anticipate subsequent developments in corporate strategy or indeed what had motivated investors from other countries .
4 THE Princess of Wales 's favourite touring ballet company , The London City Ballet of which she is patron , is to close in July claiming it failed to receive promised Arts Council grants .
5 In every respect Britain 's foreign policy was a failure : it failed to do anything which would strengthen the declining influence of the League of Nations ; it failed to prevent the alliance of Italy and Germany : it failed to stop German expansion , and in the last resort , it failed to prevent the agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union which neutralized the Eastern Front for nearly two years .
6 Considering that NFS version 3 , which was a major re-do , is sitting on a shelf somewhere collecting dust because it failed to garner popular support , there will probably be some reluctance to call this puppy by the same name .
7 When it failed to attract substantial readers , it faced a financial crisis which forced it to curtail some of its journalistic efforts .
8 Rafael Valls acquired an appealing half-length portrait of Miss Juliana Copley by Lawrence ( lot 29 , est. £50,000–70,000 ) for £92,000 , but doubts had been expressed about the condition of the second Lawrence in the sale , a grand full-length portrait of John Allnutt ( lot 30 , est. £300,000–500,000 ) , and it failed to attract any bids .
9 Put bluntly , it did so because it failed to convince enough people it could deal with the Conservative legacy and had a plausible philosophy of wealth creation of its own .
10 FCA of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 1.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to carry out a review of its compliance procedures in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.09 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to warn clients of the extent to which they may be exposed to risk in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 , when the firm gave advice to clients such that , if acted upon , it would result in commission being received , it failed to inform those clients of that position in writing in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.47 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to issue engagement letters in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.60 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to ensure that it had adequate records in accordance with the terms of the Regulation was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
11 A search beyond it failed to locate any continuance of Fleming 's Vein ( it was often called Thriddle V. ) and it became considered that Fleming 's was best regarded as a continuance of the Bonsor but shifted by the movement along the fault .
12 In a statement issued after the meeting the resolution was described as " totally unacceptable " on the grounds that it failed to condemn Palestinian violence and questioned Israel 's sovereignty over Jerusalem .
13 One of the key main objections to the Accord was that it failed to offer sufficient protection to Quebec 's English-speaking minority .
14 THAILAND 'S Foreign Ministry yesterday suffered a public relations fiasco when it failed to produce five Vietnamese soldiers it claimed had been captured inside Cambodia after Hanoi 's much-publicised troop withdrawal from Cambodia last week .
15 The problem is that while some commercial interests made a healthy profit from the '91 World Cup it failed to produce enough RWC cash to underwrite the Catania tournament , let alone the qualifying tournaments for the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
16 There were times when her preoccupation with ‘ basket power ’ , with the sovereignty of the consumer seemed part of a conception of political change that was both reformist and restricted , not least because it failed to challenge domestic discourses of women 's roles ; but such attention has to be seen in the context of a commitment to conceptions of political radicalisation based on personal development .
17 Known as the Crossman scheme , it failed to gain parliamentary approval before the 1970 election .
18 The paper was relaunched in a new format as the Sun , but it failed to win up-market readers , while the old loyalists were put off .
19 The Treasury accepted that a five-year programme of public investment should be planned , and that if it failed to prove adequate to secure full employment , then changes in taxes to encourage private investment and consumption should be made , but the question of budget deficits remained a bone of contention and was fudged in the report .
20 The National Assistance Act seemed to turn its back on this doctrines yet it failed to jettison the view entirely and it failed to provide financial resources sufficient to enable the Board to avoid having to distinguish between the claims made by applicants , particularly as regards their more unusual needs .
21 Not only did it fail to achieve all the gains on which it seemed to be calculating in embarking on the assault , but it sustained one particularly debilitating blow in the course of it .
22 London Underground 's Charter will set out tougher new standards and what it will do to compensate passengers should it fail to meet those standards .
23 It appears to give legal authority for an apparently open-ended power to intercept and it fails to constrain that power by an adequate framework of judicial or parliamentary scrutiny .
24 If it fails to do this , multimedia will be an irrelevance .
25 In many respects it fails to answer these issues satisfactorily , although allowing the court to order medical examinations without parental consent legitimizes a position well established on an informal basis amongst the professionals involved .
26 Many comments contended that LIFO is conceptually flawed because it fails to assign current costs to inventories held and so distorts the balance sheet .
27 However , given the importance of the mortality record of the children of what we believe to be economically inactive , one parent families , any analysis of health inequalities will be seriously flawed if it fails to include this group .
28 For all its sophistication , however , it fails to place central-local relationships in the wider political and economic setting .
29 Of the diagnostic statistics reported for ( 2.2 ) , the RESET test statistic is of particular importance in that it fails to provide any evidence that relevant higher moments of the explanatory variables have been omitted from the equation .
30 Yet it is limited ; if applied to particles with very high energies it fails to provide meaningful answers .
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