Example sentences of "it shall [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) For the purposes of the valuation referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above , it shall be assumed — ( a ) that the landlord in default is selling his interest on the open market to a willing buyer ; ( b ) that neither the residential occupier nor any member of his family wishes to buy ; and ( c ) that it is unlawful to carry out any substantial development of any of the land in which the landlord 's interest subsists or to demolish the whole or part of any building on that land .
2 Where a capital sum is paid to the settlor in the year of assessment by a body corporate connected with the settlement in that year it shall be assumed until the contrary is shown that an associated payment of an amount not less than the amount of the capital sum has been made to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement ( s678(7) ) .
3 It shall be determined particularly by private ownership , competition , free pricing and , as a basic principle , complete freedom of movement of labour , capital , goods and services ; this shall not preclude the legal admission of special forms of ownership , providing for the participation of public authorities or other legal entities in trade and commerce as long as private legal entities are not subject to discrimination .
4 Example 4:12 Rent review machinery ; no notice ; determination by expert ( 1 ) if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by an independent surveyor acting as an expert ( 2 ) the independent surveyor shall ( a ) be appointed in default of agreement by the President ( b ) give the landlord and the tenant an opportunity to make representations to him and to reply to each other 's representations ( but shall not be bound by them ) ( c ) have power to determine how the costs of the reference shall be borne ( d ) publish his decision within two months of his appointment ( 3 ) if the independent surveyor dies delays or becomes unwilling or incapable of acting or if for any reason the President thinks fit he may discharge the independent surveyor and appoint another in his place and may repeat this procedure as often as necessary Example 4:13 Landlord 's option to select method of resolving disputes if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by arbitration or ( if the landlord so elects by notice in writing given not later than one month before the relevant review date time being of the essence ) by an independent surveyor acting as an expert
5 Example 4:12 Rent review machinery ; no notice ; determination by expert ( 1 ) if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by an independent surveyor acting as an expert ( 2 ) the independent surveyor shall ( a ) be appointed in default of agreement by the President ( b ) give the landlord and the tenant an opportunity to make representations to him and to reply to each other 's representations ( but shall not be bound by them ) ( c ) have power to determine how the costs of the reference shall be borne ( d ) publish his decision within two months of his appointment ( 3 ) if the independent surveyor dies delays or becomes unwilling or incapable of acting or if for any reason the President thinks fit he may discharge the independent surveyor and appoint another in his place and may repeat this procedure as often as necessary Example 4:13 Landlord 's option to select method of resolving disputes if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by arbitration or ( if the landlord so elects by notice in writing given not later than one month before the relevant review date time being of the essence ) by an independent surveyor acting as an expert
6 if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by ( 1 ) an independent surveyor acting as an expert appointed in default of agreement by the President or ( 2 ) at the election of either party ( made not later than the making of an application to the President for an appointment time being of the essence ) by the person ( if any ) appointed to determine the rent payable under the headlease acting in the capacity in which he is appointed thereunder
7 It shall be characterized in particular by a system of labour law that corresponds to the social market economy and a comprehensive system of social security based on merit and social justice .
8 It shall be attended by a representative of the National Executive Committee , appointed for the purpose .
9 There are still more than ten years in which to hound you out of Millbank [ the Tate ] and it shall be done .
10 It shall be done at once . ’
11 ‘ Then it shall be done , ’ he said bluntly , almost angrily .
12 ( 5 ) A payment being made to a Doctor or Hospital under the Emergency Treatment provisions of the Road Traffic Acts it shall be borne : —
13 It shall be stated whether the accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and particulars of any material departure from those standards and the reason for it shall be given . ’
14 ( 3 ) On the stationery of a recognised body which is an unlimited company it shall be stated , either as part of the body 's name or otherwise , that the body is a body corporate .
15 ( 4 ) Where a recognised body which is an unlimited company is a partner in partnership with a solicitor or another recognised body it shall be stated on the stationery of the partnership , either as part of the body 's name or otherwise , that the recognised body is a body corporate except where this is so stated on a list of the names of all the partners maintained by the partnership at its principal place of business in pursuance of section 4(3) of the Business Names Act 1985 .
16 9.4 Disputes with adjoining occupiers If any dispute arises between the Tenant and the tenants or occupiers of other parts of the Centre or the Adjoining Property as to any easement right or privilege in connection with the use of the Premises and any other part of the Centre or the Adjoining Property or as to the boundary structures separating the Premises from any other property it shall be decided [ by the Landlord or in such manner as the Landlord shall direct or by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ] The problem with this provision is that it restricts the tenant in any action it may wish to take against other tenants , and could result in a dispute being settled against its best interests .
17 210 In all cases between landlord and tenant , as often as it shall happen that one half year 's rent shall be in arrear , and the landlord or lessor , to whom the same is due , hath right by law to re-enter for the non-payment thereof , such landlord or lessor shall and may , without any formal demand or re-entry , serve a writ in ejectment for the recovery of the demised premises , which service shall stand in the place and stead of a demand and re-entry ; and in case of judgment against the defendant for non-appearance , if it shall be made appear to the court where the said action is depending , by affidavit , or be proved upon the trial in case the defendant appears , that half a year 's rent was due before the said writ was served , and that no sufficient distress was to be found on the demised premises , countervailing the arrears then due , and that the lessor had power to re-enter , then and in every such case the lessor shall recover judgment and execution , in the same manner as if the rent in arrear had been legally demanded , and a re-entry made ; and in case the lessee or his assignee , or other person claiming or deriving under the said lease , shall permit and suffer judgment to be had and recovered on such trial in ejectment , and execution to be executed thereon , without paying the rent and arrears , together with full costs , and without proceeding for relief in equity within six months after such execution executed , then and in such case the said lessee , his assignee , and all other persons claiming and deriving under the said lease , shall be barred and foreclosed from all relief or remedy in law or equity , other than by bringing error for reversal of such judgment , in case the same shall be erroneous , and the said landlord or lessor shall from thenceforth hold the said demised premises discharged from such lease ; provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to bar the right of any mortgagee of such lease , or any part thereof , who shall not be in possession , so as such mortgagee shall and do , within six months after such judgment obtained and execution executed pay all rent in arrear , and all costs and damages sustained by such lessor or person entitled to the remainder or reversion as aforesaid , and perform all the covenants and agreements which , on the part and behalf of the first lessee , are and ought to be performed .
18 in so far as this order purports to have any extraterritorial effect , no person shall be affected thereby or concerned with the terms thereof until it shall be declared enforceable or be enforced by a foreign court and then it shall only affect them to the extent of such declaration or enforcement unless they are :
19 ‘ Whoever says a word against the Son of Man , it shall be forgiven him .
20 Today discussion centres upon how much autonomy is appropriate and how , when and where it shall be applied .
21 12.2 This Agreement and all the terms , provisions and conditions of this Agreement and all questions of construction , validity and performance under it shall be governed by English Law .
22 This agreement constituted and evidenced by this letter and your acceptance of it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and all disputes and claims arising hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts .
23 But though this was so , Lord Coke reports that it was resolved by the whole Court of Common Pleas ‘ that payment of a lesser sum on the day in satisfaction of a greater can not be any satisfaction for the whole , because it appears to the judges that by no possibility a lesser sum can be satisfaction to the plaintiff for a greater sum : but the gift of a horse , hawk , or robe , etc. , in satisfaction is good for it shall be intended that a horse , hawk , or robe , etc. , might be more beneficial to the plaintiff than the money , in respect of some circumstance , or otherwise the plaintiff would not have accepted it in satisfaction .
24 It shall be noted that there is a special relief which applies to the granting of a lease but there is a three year time gap which must be satisfied .
25 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
26 In terms of the law , the Secretary of State is empowered to lay down all aspects of the curriculum , except for the time devoted to each subject and the style in which it shall be taught .
27 All curriculums shall focus on the basics in high school requirements and it shall be inundated with advanced sciences and additional applied math , English and writing skills .
28 Seek not after new light for the searching into the private records of God … the event is registered in heaven , and we can expect no other certain notice of it , but that it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by the Father of mercies . ’
29 Work on which cumulative and other forms of assessment have been based may be returned to candidates on a written undertaking that it shall be given back , if required , at any time within one year from the examination .
30 Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you ; For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
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