Example sentences of "it contain [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is important not to soak potatoes , as this leaches out the vitamin , and not to overcook cabbage and other green vegetables , as heat gradually destroys Vitamin C. Rosehip tea is also an excellent source of this vitamin , as is fresh lemon juice , which is permissible on this diet as it contains little sugar .
2 Not unexpectedly , perhaps , it contains that spot on the world 's surface that is most distant from land — where the longitude 118° 30'W intersects 47° 30 'S is an equal 1,560 miles from the nearest coasts of Chile , peter Island in Antarctica and an uninhabited British colonial possession , a member of the Pitcairn group called Ducie Island .
3 It is evident that however the relationship is conceived it contains many elements of disorder and conflict , and that if there is not a substantial movement , in the medium-term future , towards greater economic equality among the nations of the world , the prospects for peaceful international cooperation will become still more discouraging .
4 Its great attraction is that , because it was organised in conjunction with the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow and the Russian museum in St Petersburg , it contains many works never before seen in the West , some from far-flung areas of the CIS .
5 One child is particularly proud of his work : it contains many letters , large and boldly formed , and this was the first occasion that he had written anything since arriving in the school .
6 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
7 It contains many replicas of France 's second empire .
8 For him , even choices which are clearly dictated by subject matter are part of style : it is part of the style of a particular cookery book that it contains words like butter , flour , boil and bake ; and it is part of the style of Animal Farm that it contains many occurrences of pigs , farm , and Napoleon .
9 This is not a work of criticism though it contains much criticism along the way , and of the first order — for instance , Pound 's respectful demurrer from the high valuation that Eliot had put on Johnson 's Vanity of Human Wishes .
10 It contains much taildragger lore that is useful for any pilot , a wealth of good advice to tailwheel instructors , and the most comprehensive explanation of P-factor that I have seen .
11 Although it contains much information that is very valuable for academic research on a wide variety of topics ( the family , poverty , the elderly , housing conditions and so on ) in the form in which OPCS release it , the data are not easy for university researchers to use .
12 Young skin is less able naturally to protect itself as it contains less melanin and therefore has less tanning ability .
13 Of all three heuristic functions , fc is almost certainly the best , because it contains most information .
14 It contains several clusters within binocular range ; NGC 6397 , 6362 and 6352 are globular , while NGC 6167 and 6193 are loose .
15 It contains these provisions .
16 It is largely derivative , but it contains some stories written from his own experience and that of his personal acquaintances , including an account of his family and its devotion to St Stephen 's church , Launceston .
17 I ought to start this note with a health warning — it contains some mathematics ; not a lot , but some .
18 It contains more moves , needs a higher level of skill and turns your centre-line clean away from the opponent .
19 It contains more information .
20 The direct downward view is dull unless it contains another subject at an interim level , such as a kite .
21 It contains this statement :
22 But My Lords the next question is should the membership of the Authority be as it traditionally has been or should it contain some members recruited from a wider constituency .
23 The future of Abe 's faction was unclear , for it contained many members who were thought to have joined in the belief that Abe was next in line for the office of Prime Minister .
24 It contained many names : journalists whom he deemed to be lacking in a proper respect , politicians ( like Joshua Morris ) who had made jokes at Mrs Thatcher 's expense , Booker Prize judges .
25 It contained many people of German origin , and although the Germans there represented less than one-third of the population , nevertheless Hitler began demanding the right to their ‘ freedom ’ from foreign rule .
26 Out of the rock 's foot grew a shadow so dark that it contained all colours .
27 It contained several birthday cards , but Dana 's was late , as usual .
28 Rupert repeated his earlier greeting and came towards her with a glass jug that looked as if it contained some kind of cocktail .
29 I still think his essay , far from being ‘ a rather feeble piece of writing ’ , to be a powerful piece of advocacy ; and it contained some remarks about culture and religious observance for which in penetration and acuteness I can recall no exact parallel .
30 This was a rather simplistic interpretation of the many disagreements which affected political life , but it contained some truth and helped to explain why France was unable to create a British or American-style two-party system : the question of authoritarianism and democracy in the constitution , which had divided Frenchmen since the Revolution , had again served to divide the country in the constitutional debates of 1946 ; the role of the Roman Catholic Church in national life divided the Christian Democrats from the other leading parties ; and questions of class conflict were particularly apparent in early 1947 in differences over wage levels .
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