Example sentences of "it do make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hence Juice was probably not as big a box-office success as it might have been , although it did make money .
2 It did make Morrissey and Burns look like Hinge and Brackett , ’ he admitted .
3 It did make sense , but if Alan 's in the dark then it does n't .
4 It was an ever increasing thing that blew up because it got a little too big , but it did make David a star and he has dealt with it really well , and is a man who does wonderful work .
5 It 's easy to be deceived into thinking none of it makes any sense but it does make sense : a strange , twisted , whimsical , surreal kind of sense .
6 But it does make sense to paint floors last thing at night , giving the paint a chance to dry overnight .
7 One difference between perceived-as appearances and presentation appearances is that whereas it does not make sense to talk of being mistaken about the former it does make sense to talk of being mistaken about the latter .
8 I said that whereas it does make sense to talk of being mistaken about presentation appearances it does not make sense to talk of being mistaken about perceived-as appearances .
9 There are four related conceptual differences between epistemic and perspectival appearances : ( 1 ) Epistemic appearances are subjective , whereas perspectival appearances are objective ; ( 2 ) It makes no sense to say that X appears to be φ to Y but Y does not know it , whereas it does make sense to say that X presents such-and-such a perspectival appearance to the point of view Y occupies but Y does not know it ; ( 3 ) X can appear to be φ to Y only if Y possesses the concept φ : nothing similar can be said about perspectival appearances ; ( 4 ) Epistemic appearances are related to their objects by being true or false of them , whereas perspectival appearances are related to their objects mathematically .
10 The third reason relates to the fact that whereas it does n't make sense to say ‘ It 's afternoon ’ on the Sun , it does make sense to talk of other people 's feelings .
11 But since it does make sense we can employ arguments from analogy to answer factual questions that arise within the language-game .
12 However , if you need to work particularly closely with specialist or local media it does make sense to get to know the organisations and their needs , and meetings with editors and journalists to see how you can best help each other are a good idea .
13 It does make sense that the lateral line would be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to unusually high voltage .
14 She wrote to Jane at the start of her employment : ‘ There are two things I beg you to do : get your time each day in the fresh air and strictly limit the hours you spend on your work , which I have always had to do anyway with such a large family and it does make sense in the end .
15 This extraordinarily convoluted definition , the whole of which is in italics , must have been responsible for deterring thousands of readers from proceeding beyond page 15 of the General Theory , but it does make sense .
16 Paths with whatever surface is chosen can be laid at the start when the beds are being dug or later at a more convenient time , but it does make life easier if they can be finished before planting the beds .
17 This does not mean that there are no generalizations that can be made about evolution , but it does make biology a different kind of science from physics .
18 I mean it does make smoke er maybe .
19 It 's very unusual to find a senior civil servant in France who ca n't speak either good English or good German or both , and it does make communications a lot easier .
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