Example sentences of "it [was/were] assume [that] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and my parents had booked the audition for the Central School and found me a bed-sit in Swiss Cottage and being completely naive it was assumed that this was where I would be going .
2 When the current collusion controversy began , it was assumed that the bulk of the problem lay with the UDR .
3 When Mrs Thatcher took office in May 1979 it was assumed that southern Africa would cause a massive rift between her and the black African states of the Commonwealth .
4 Initially it was assumed that the objective would be for the villages to farm on a communal basis .
5 It was assumed that she had eloped with her boy friend .
6 In assessing the impact of stories of premature interment , one must bear in mind that for most of the nineteenth century , medical science , such as it was , was helpless in the face of coma and cardiac arrest ; if the patient had apparently ceased breathing and had no discernable heartbeat , it was assumed that death had come .
7 Crudely simplified , majority opinion passed through two well-defined phases in the West : first , it was assumed that war was unthinkable and impossible as a continuation of policy ; later , it was suggested that within certain limits nuclear war might still be winnable , if you were sufficiently prepared .
8 In the absence of a specific object , it was assumed that the IRA may have intended little more than to carry out its threat to keep ‘ the war in the Ireland ’ in the limelight during the election campaign .
9 First , it was assumed that no long-range problems would occur ; that is , that the acidifying or toxic power of the gases would be neutralised long before they got to Scandinavia or anywhere else .
10 Second , it was assumed that the gas would be evenly mixed in the air , so that no dangerous concentrations would occur .
11 When he had not returned by lam , it was assumed that he was the wanted man .
12 After the establishment of an independent Germany and Italy , it was assumed that the national question , as a progressive issue , was now past in Europe ; only reactionaries would continue to try to resurrect it .
13 When it was loaned for ‘ The Treasure Houses of Britain' exhibition in Washington , it was assumed that , like all the other works of art on show , it would be returned to its original setting .
14 The late fifties and early sixties , when I lived in Windsor Great Park , were creative and critical in manner : the established order was questioned ( sometimes cynically ) , but it was assumed that well-directed idealism could change human society .
15 The actual facts ' of who was arrested during the riots , whether black or white , were hardly debated since it was assumed that they were mostly black and mostly unemployed and involved with crime ( Keith , 1987 ) .
16 The content of their syllabuses was largely , though indirectly , in the hands of the universities , through the local examination boards , and it was assumed that a good school , even if comprehensive , would manage to get a reasonable number of O and A level passes and send a proportion of its pupils on to higher education .
17 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
18 At one time it was assumed that the best approach was one of stealth and caution , particularly as the most productive place to fish was invariably no more than a rod 's length away from your own bank .
19 It was assumed that they would meet the need .
20 Despite ritualistic genuflections from time to time towards the value of local democracy , it was assumed that the purpose of local government was more or less consensually agreed to be the local delivery of a set of services enshrined in centrally determined statutes .
21 It was assumed that the liquid discharge would disperse and be rendered harmless .
22 Max was said to be in the grip of some form of neurosis , but it was assumed that he would grow out of it .
23 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
24 Before the fascinating high-fibre research findings it was assumed that weight loss depended entirely on the number of calories consumed compared with the number expended by the body .
25 The first stages of the French Revolution seemed to be more obviously under reasonable management and it was assumed that the French would set up some sort of parliamentary government under the control of gentlemen .
26 It was assumed that shareholders would have a long-term commitment to their company and that if there was a problem , it would be the directors rather than the shareholders who would change .
27 He was thirty-five to forty and it was assumed that he was an army intelligence officer .
28 It was assumed that most of it went to the Provisionals and a smaller amount to the Official IRA .
29 It was assumed that she would do so on the arm of one of her sons , but they followed behind in a somewhat passive procession .
30 It was assumed that the stress followed a path similar to that sketched in Figure 6(a) .
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