Example sentences of "it [is] recognised [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , it 's recognised that some of those allocated these vouchers will sell them straight away to others having money .
2 The view is also expressed that personal care and welfare aspects can not be divorced from financial and property matters , while it is recognised that proper safeguards are vital .
3 Henry Fairlie wrote : ‘ The exercise of power in Britain ( more specifically , in England ) can not be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially . ’
4 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
5 ‘ However , it is recognised that , even with a totally effective referral system for donation of organs following death , there will not be sufficient organs for the people needing life-saving transplants .
6 It is recognised that a lot of people who might once have bought homes in the West Country have been flocking to France in recent years to cash in on the predicted property boom .
7 While it is recognised that each school may put a differing stress on the varying components in a formula system to match the school 's own needs and educational philosophy , the following points seem central to developing a successful formula distribution scheme :
8 This does not , therefore , purport to be a standard list , and it is recognised that an up to date and authoritative list is greatly to be desired .
9 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
10 This section deals mainly with the impact of mineral working , and the restoration of exhausted sites , in south and south east England although it is recognised that some of the most serious environmental problems occur in the National Parks and in areas where deep and opencast mining are carried out .
11 Much has been written on the topic of occupational health and hygiene and it is recognised that the provision of an adequate and tolerable physical working environment and the promotion of a general feeling of well being among the workforce , is not only important in preventing occupational disease , but in the prevention of accidents .
12 It is recognised that for many , the call of the profession was in anticipation of spending each day involved in surveying work .
13 It is recognised that the position on this issue is not always clear cut .
14 It is recognised that the ENP will refer to a doctor as necessary .
15 It is recognised that supervision and further training would be required for anyone who wishes to use the approach in the field .
16 1.4 It is recognised that there is a group of patients with tissue defects that can not be healed .
17 It is recognised that the multi-million dollar high technology companies have dabbled in throughput , life cycle and activity-based costing techniques , some have even tested Japanese target costing .
18 This state of affairs causes no surprise when it is recognised that ‘ what is understood is at least as dependent on how the receptor perceives the message as on how the communicator presents it ’ ( Kraft 1979:148 ) .
19 13.2.2 However , it is recognised that the Academic Partners will be expected to publish the results of their work on the project and may wish to disclose such work in ways other than by publication .
20 A coherent school policy on Standard English is possible if it is recognised that all these views are legitimate .
21 The evidence shows that such children will make greater progress in English if they know that their knowledge of their mother tongue is valued , if it is recognised that their experience of language is likely to be greater than that of their monoglot peers and , indeed , if their knowledge and experience can be put to good use in the classroom to the benefit of all pupils to provide examples of the structure and syntax of different languages , to provide a focus for discussion about language forms and for contrast and comparison with the structure of the English language .
22 It is recognised that old people and their families are disadvantaged in the amount of care and attention paid to them by social workers as most social work time is spent on children and young families .
23 Although it is recognised that a major proportion of referrals to social service departments are about elderly clients ( Black et al . ,
24 Nevertheless , it is recognised that industrial relations will continue to reflect elements of diversity as well as uniformity .
25 However , in attempting to ascertain the applicability of the model to other countries , in order to strengthen confidence in the results , it is recognised that instead of simply applying it to them mechanically , some account needs to be taken of prevailing differences in their industrial relations systems .
26 There can be no good reason to object to this when it is recognised that efficiency incorporates personal factors such as safety , health and quality of working life as well as system factors such as productivity and quality of work .
27 The differing viewpoints are here polarised into the two major value positions set out below , though it is recognised that these positions represent relatively extreme points on a dimension of views , rather than two all-embracing categories .
28 This can be achieved only if it is recognised that research is essential in surgical practice and should be encouraged but , equally , that the person concerned must learn to operate .
29 When it is recognised that England may have lost about one-third of her population in these critical years , the lull in military activity becomes understandable .
30 While it is recognised that such powers may be necessary in that they lead to a number of arrests , it must also be noted that random and discriminatory stops may be counter-productive as they may have a detrimental effect on relations between police and public .
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