Example sentences of "it [is] claim [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Critchley 's party-piece has the rounded phrasing , the well-turned punchline of frequent rehearsal ( it 's claimed that some of his fans can recite it back to him ) , but it captures the tone of the Tories in those days perfectly .
2 It concerned the toxic effects of atmospheric lead and was characterised by a series of comments like ‘ It 's claimed that even low levels of lead can cause brain damage ’ , ‘ It 's been difficult to get conclusive evidence ’ , ‘ There 's a whole lot of evidence ’ , ‘ Yes but there is conflicting evidence ’ , all delivered without any one of the four speakers actually providing figures to explain what the concern and disagreement was all about .
3 Once again it 's claimed that the algae is toxic enough to kill animals , specifically two dogs according to the Glasgow Daily Record .
4 Again it 's claimed that the smallest unit — the 300 — can be used on fishtanks .
5 With the correct flow rates it 's claimed that water changes are virtually redundant .
6 It 's claimed that for some men and women it 's like a drug they ca n't do without — and they end up like any other addict , ruining their lives , desperate for the next ‘ fix ’ .
7 It 's claimed that clearing Dickens and Jones in Milton Keynes on a busy pre-Christmas shopping day cost the firm one hundred thousand pounds in lost business .
8 It 's claimed that Gilbey spoke to the Princess of Wales , who was using an ordinary domestic telephone .
9 It 's claimed that Gilbey spoke to the Princess of Wales , who was using an ordinary domestic telephone .
10 It 's claimed that the fox is a predator , killing lambs and free range chickens and must be controlled ; an argument not accepted by the RSPCA .
11 The body of Alan Chalky White was found in lake fifty six at the Cotswold Water Park in 1989 … the same lake , it 's claimed that was used to hide the drugs.Tim Hurst reports from Winchester Crown Court .
12 It 's claimed that the laser-engraved cards are fraud-proof at a cost of £1.20 each to produce , compared with 25p for the old cards It 's an investment that the industry hopes will beat the fraudsters hands down .
13 It 's claimed that Honda is turning away job applicants who belong to a union .
14 It 's claimed that the jail now houses almost double the number of prisoners it was designed for .
15 It 's claimed that the secret GCHQ listening centre is even trawling through personal phone calls abroad in its search for useful information .
16 So rather than pay nine pounds ninety pence it 's claimed that many lorry drivers take a detour through gloucester , then heading back down the A48 through Newhnam .
17 It 's claimed that he was secretly paid commission for awarding work to three firms in Italy , Germany and Norway .
18 IT 'S claimed that next to losing a spouse , moving house is one of the most stressful things you 're likely to go through .
19 It 's claimed as the hangar burned the two men were seen pointing at the flames and laughing .
20 It is to claim or be committed to the fact external to me that my code is NW3 2RT .
21 It is claimed that catering colleges have failed to get to grips with the developments of technology , acknowledge its importance and provide students with a level of understanding based on the industry 's needs .
22 In a poststructuralist development of the idea , it is claimed that the most literary texts can offer is the endless ‘ free play of signifiers ’ .
23 It is in this latter sense that very often it is claimed that the Conservative Party is advocating an incomes policy , by which is simply meant that the policies which we advocate would , we believe , have as a result the stability of money values and thus have the effect that increases in earnings were real and not merely monetary .
24 The same interests have dominated his 10 years at Westminster , and it is claimed that he has redistributed more than £60 million from the taxpayer to the poor by challenging the DHSS in test cases .
25 Thus it is claimed that , under Socialist International rules , the Labour Party is forbidden to enter the SDLP 's territory and engage in electoral competition with it in Northern Ireland .
26 With a new battery-operated tool from Germany , called the Aris Precision Cutter , it is claimed that even the most ham-fisted wallpaper hanger can get a perfect finish every time .
27 By using this approach it is claimed that important management processes are facilitated .
28 It is claimed that the ‘ principle of subsidiarity ’ will ensure that states retain a large measure of independence because federalism means decentralisation .
29 Thus it is claimed that God is perfectly just , where we are imperfectly so — indeed it is sometimes said that God is ‘ justice ’ or ‘ justice itself ’ .
30 For instance , it is claimed that the world shows evidence of design or purpose : therefore , it is concluded that there must be a divine designer .
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