Example sentences of "it [prep] a matter " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Though I have shown photographs throughout my exhibition organising career , I took it as a matter of course and have shown them as I have any other art form and along side any other art form whether it is painting or sculpture .
2 He both expected and accepted it as a matter of course .
3 Bauer was to describe this process as ‘ a counter-revolution ’ and Roffman and Purdy have seen it as a matter of Hollywood turning ‘ to the Right ’ .
4 Whenever the courts draw a line to mark out the bounds of duty they do it as a matter of policy so as to limit the responsibility of the defendant .
5 Whenever the courts set bounds to the damages recoverable — saying that they are , or are not , too remote they do it as a matter of policy so as to limit the liability of the defendant .
6 Suppose that within the five-year term the Government were defeated in the Commons on a topic so important that it regarded it as a matter of confidence in itself .
7 Otherwise , it seems to have regarded it as a matter of political judgment .
8 ‘ I do it as a matter of course .
9 Please could you look into it as a matter of urgency .
10 In the ninth century , one poet praised its beauty , while another drowned in it ; salt-traders and vintners plied it as a matter of routine ; nobles and religious communities with estates on both sides of it had boats ready for regular crossings and landing-stages where their men could send off surplus produce for sale and unload imports for their masters ' consumption ; Vikings contemplated arduous upstream journeys , but quick getaways ; Charles the Bald , worried over strategic problems , planned the river 's blocking , and policing , and also exploited the symbolic possibilities of meetings at Orléans , Fleury , Cosne , Meung , Pouilly to which nobles must come from Aquitaine by crossing the river while Charles himself received his visitors on the Frankish side .
11 The Court of Appeal lifted it as a matter of principle , even though a hearing on the merits was set for the following day .
12 From the theoretical point of view , however , I personally do not find the question of ‘ intrusive ’ and ‘ linking ’ in RP very interesting ( one might perhaps class it as a matter similar to the grammatical and stylistic question of whether or not to use ‘ whom ’ ) but anyone who wishes to go into the subject could read Windsor Lewis ( 1975a ) , Pring ( 1976 ) , Windsor Lewis ( 1977a ) and Fox ( 1978 ) .
13 And they 're just doing it as a matter of course over there .
14 ‘ John Smith 's speech turned it into a matter of confidence and the whole issue became confused .
15 Swooping onto a reed warbler 's nest , this female cuckoo removes one of the host bird 's eggs and lays one of her own to replace it in a matter of seconds .
16 Now you can do it in a matter of hours , in an aeroplane .
17 We want something done about it in a matter of weeks and months and not years .
18 I knew the Führer would forget it within a matter of days and he did , only Himmler did n't .
19 A predator may have scented what you see and beaten you to it by a matter of an hour or so .
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