Example sentences of "it [adj] to believe that " in BNC.

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1 This makes it possible to believe that God can relate to us , and that he can reach out to us and transform our nature .
2 The contemporary tumours that Eleanor had been an adulteress made it possible to believe that she preached what she practised .
3 As for school libraries , the confusion caused by the complexity of educational change and the financial problems of local education authorities make it easy to believe that they have virtually ceased functioning .
4 A day of celebration and a day of tragedy , one superimposed upon the other , so that Amabel , who did not even wish to be rational , found it easy to believe that Ben Braithwaite had broken not only Linnet 's heart , but Gemma 's .
5 The complexity of modern European economies makes it impossible to believe that rural community self-sufficiency can be achieved in isolation from urban and industrial economy .
6 Those who have it will be better at forming relationships of all sorts because they do not find it impossible to believe that other people could actually respect them and care for them .
7 I find it impossible to believe that the Director would contemplate sending an official to interview a defendant during his trial , even if there were anything to be gained from such a course , which is hard to see , given that his answers would not be admissible .
8 He found it impossible to believe that he had ever been able to write a book or give a lecture , or advise a government .
9 ‘ I have known Alain all his life and I find it impossible to believe that he would commit suicide .
10 She had initially found it impossible to believe that a respected , churchgoing man could have been pushed beyond the limit of his endurance and have killed .
11 Because so few of the policy-makers have had direct experience of business , they seem to find it impossible to believe that when , for instance , interest rates fall , the positive effect on business confidence and hence on investment decisions may take up to three years to work through .
12 He found it hard to believe that the 3 per cent of allegations of racial discrimination sustained by the authority could reflect the true picture , and he supported an independent investigatory agency to handle all aspects of complaints against the police .
13 However , given that such maps exist , I find it hard to believe that distances could be estimated by a method analogous to using Pythagoras ' theorem .
14 During the War of Independence Glasgow merchants had found it hard to believe that anything could ever threaten their old , safe monopoly in sugar , cotton , and the ‘ golden weed ’ .
15 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
16 I find it hard to believe that the answer lies in reciprocity or disguised selfishness in any simple sense .
17 I find it hard to believe that so fundamental a process is not governed by principles just as elegant and universal as those uncovered in relation to molecular genetics .
18 I find it hard to believe that someone can really care for me
19 People who hear themselves for the first time on a tape-recorder often find it hard to believe that the stranger talking is actually them .
20 Now , even those who sincerely hate capitalism find it hard to believe that the example of the third world will save us all .
21 She found it hard to believe that a Press Officer would be party to evidence of this nature .
22 She still found it hard to believe that any British ship could be in danger so near to home ; even when Jock had explained that unless a submarine was in water deep enough in which to dive , an escort was essential .
23 They have found it hard to believe that 100 shares bought in 1973 for £145 are now worth nearly £7,900 .
24 Taunton fans might find it hard to believe that anyone doubts Cook 's ability after three bountiful seasons in the West Country .
25 I found it hard to believe that Flora could suffer like other people from minor humiliations , personal relationships .
26 I find it hard to believe that my paintings now sell in London and many other places !
27 I found it hard to believe that , even if he had been out of the country , his family could have moved away without his knowing .
28 I find it hard to believe that this amount would be likely to deter someone from participating in a tournament .
29 So that Clara , although she found it hard to believe that she herself was thus chosen , had no alternative to believing it .
30 Discerning Greeks like Thucydides ( i. 10 ) knew that the relative splendour of the physical remains of Sparta and Athens was no index of their real strengths : suppose , he says , that the city of Sparta were to become deserted , future generations would find it hard to believe that the place , an old-fashioned , higgledy-piggledy collection of villages , was really as powerful as it was represented to be ; whereas if the same were to happen to Athens , one would think that she was twice as powerful as she really was .
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