Example sentences of "in hospital [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Arthur Mutambara , president of the student council , who is in hospital as a result of injuries allegedly gained by jumping from a window , is to be charged under the Orwellian-sounding Law and Order Maintenance Act as a result of a statement he issued blaming the government for acts of ‘ state terrorism ’ .
2 I realized what I was doing and decided to have this problem analyzed , and I traced it back to when I was in hospital as a child .
3 It would also be possible , although it would contravene the fundamental principles of the NHS as originally conceived , to introduce charges for NHS treatment — for example , a small charge for every visit to a GP or a ‘ hotel charge ’ to cover the cost of food consumed in hospital as a means of raising additional funds .
4 There has been growing concern about patients who are compulsorily detained in hospital as a result of being found unfit to plead or legally insane .
5 But if one sixth of patients are in hospital as a result of what we 've done wrong , five sixths are there because we have n't managed to stop them being there .
6 The same would apply to patients kept in hospital under a section of the Mental Health Act , since they would be unable to find alternative care outside the hospital sector by the nature of the section .
7 The woman , who will be scarred for life , was treated in hospital for a number of injuries including a 3in cut to her neck .
8 Professor Geoffrey Codd , a microbiologist from Dundee University and expert on blue-green algae said two cadets had been seriously ill and were detained in hospital for a week .
9 They were told a carefully graduated series of lies : first that their mother was staying in hospital for a while , then that she might not come home for a long time , and finally that she might never come back .
10 After surgery , you could be in hospital for a considerable time — and if you were missing overtime pay or sales bonuses because you were unable to work , you could have financial difficulties .
11 Thus , when a doctor asks for an X-ray or path lab test , or prescribes drugs , or decides that a patient should remain in hospital for a further two days , he is making a financial as well as a clinical decision .
12 He was in hospital for a total of three months .
13 He was in hospital for a long time with the doctors far from optimistic that he would recover .
14 Tim falling down the Kud and brought in by a kind Indian , unconscious for a day , and in hospital for a week .
15 In some surgical units , many patients are only in hospital for a day ( e.g. Peter ) or may be discharged very quickly after surgery ( e.g. Mrs Fellows ) .
16 At four I stay with her when my mother spends a week in hospital for a minor operation .
17 They kept me in hospital for a week , even though after the first day they were able to tell me that my violent indigestion following my curry debauch had not dislodged — or even seriously inconvenienced my small passenger .
18 Then he covered it up quickly with a look of studied indifference ( very unconvincing ) and mumbled some nonsense about you being in hospital for a few days for a check-up .
19 Most patients can cope with unacknowledged grief and anxiety because they are in hospital for a short time .
20 It put Dave Scadding in hospital for a few days , but did not prevent the crew members still on their feet from putting in some hard graft , and rummage successes began to roll in .
21 Tom will want to check for proteinuria and test your reflexes , but even if those things are normal he and Dr Greene may want to pop you in hospital for a while . ’
22 CATHERINE I was in hospital for a bit .
23 Obviously you were in hospital for a number of weeks .
24 Officials could not say if the Queen Mother was expected to stay in hospital for a second night and did not divulge the nature of the obstruction .
25 There was a car crash , she died , he was in hospital for a long time and when he came out everything had changed .
26 His wife 's likely to be in hospital for a day or so .
27 he was later treated in hospital for a head injury .
28 He 'll be in hospital for a few more days , while surgeons see how his wounds are healing .
29 She was in hospital for a month and is still in a wheelchair .
30 Janet adds : ‘ Before the idea of the ‘ drop-in ’ centre , we would have been forced to admit the mother and she would have been in hospital for a few days .
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