Example sentences of "in this context [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In this context we feel it may be helpful to include a section here on the teacher 's response to children 's written work , and in particular to the marking policy adopted .
2 In this context we may well ask whether we are not living in an age when God is judging our Western civilisation — whether the inflation of the Western world is a judgment on materialism , or the rising unemployment a judgment on militant trade unionism or the crisis of capitalism a judgment on the secular humanism of our age .
3 In this context we may distinguish ( i ) the impartiality which is part and parcel of making moral or legal-judgments on the basis of formulating universal rules permitting or prohibiting certain types of conduct as distinct from making decisions only about particular persons and particular occasions : the impartiality not just of universalisability but of rules which actually are to be universalised ; ( ii ) the impartiality of being a non-involved person which is particularly relevant to the position of the person who is applying legal or moral rules to particular circumstances and which is directly to do with the characteristics of the judge who according to this standard must have no personal interest in the outcome of the case , but which may also be relevant in the process of legislation since legislators may have particular and personal interests in the outcome of the legislation in question ; ( iii ) there is the idea of impartiality as a norm of moral and judicial reasoning which has to do with giving due consideration to all relevant factors , a practice which may further but is not guaranteed by impartiality of the first two types .
4 It 's er , it 's not , it 's just one of the most undervalued words in the English language , we use it for everything but in this context we 've got ta see it clothed wi with dignity and all the glory that it deserves , God loved her !
5 In this context they are not so much cleaning agents as ‘ brighteners ’ and would benefit from being described as such .
6 In this context they are the ground of our reasons for acting .
7 In this context they looked and sounded powerful and coherent .
8 In this context he formulates his now familiar , if still empirically untested , distinction between ‘ restricted ’ and ‘ extended ’ professionality .
9 In this context he distinguishes the ‘ division of labour in manufacture ’ ( i.e. the detailed division of tasks between workers employed by a single capitalist ) from the ‘ social division of labour ’ ( i.e. the division of social production as a whole into various distinct ‘ branches ’ ) .
10 At the same time he said that new rules would be drawn up on the ownership of property , in preparation for the privatization of numerous state enterprises ; in this context he demanded a cut in bank interest rates , from a typical level of 50 per cent to around 20 per cent , so as to encourage private investment in industry , where he said that productivity had fallen by 10 per cent since the start of the year .
11 Okun feels that the price set by Rawls on equality is too high but in this context he would be prepared to accept a 60 per cent leak Okun ( 1975 , p. 94 ) .
12 By ‘ externalist ’ in this context I mean any theory which denies that a mental episode has any meaning-content intrinsically , and affirms that its content consists in some external relation to other things .
13 In this context I want to refer to a brief but highly significant passage in Richards 's Practical Criticism .
14 An excellent overview of organisational communication research written specifically with reference to the external organisational environment appears in a valuable compendium Handbook of organizational communication — a volume that in this context I am not ashamed to admit that I came across just by chance in a bookshop whilst looking for something completely different !
15 In this context I would like to pay a tribute to the British officers who served Burma during the years it was part of the Commonwealth .
16 In this context I continue to be uneasy about the role of the Voluntary Sector Environmental Forum whose terms of reference are clearly relevant to Wales but whose work is largely related to England only .
17 By id in this context I mean the unconscious , instinctual basis of behaviour from which man 's ego has become differentiated .
18 In this context it is essential that the buyer retains the initiative , to end up with the products , materials and levels of service needed by the organisation and not those which the supplier wishes to provide .
19 In this context it was the externality of British Afro-Caribbeans and Asians which was highlighted rather the racist institutions and processes which worked against blacks at all levels of society .
20 ( In this context it may be mentioned that in Athenian law courts it became the custom to have a clepsydra to ensure that most speeches were limited to half an hour . )
21 I have told this story umpteen times before , but in this context it bears repeating .
22 In this context it is ironic that it was a structuralist critique of Sartre 's claims for history that , in historical terms , brought about the abrupt intellectual demise of existential Marxism itself .
23 In this context it is interesting to note a finding from Arthur Kornhauser 's study of industrial workers .
24 In this context it is of interest that the Jewish scholar Rita Gross argues that there is no intrinsic reason why , within Judaism , God should not be named ‘ She ’ .
25 In this context it becomes obvious that we must be careful not to oversimplify the ideology of distant cultures , either in time or space , simply for our own ease of comprehension .
26 And I believe personally in this context it would be foolish , at the moment , to go down a narrow road until such time as we are ca
27 In this context it seems understandable why those active in promoting empowerment through self-help organisations might not see an equally important role for disability arts and culture in advancing the well-being of disabled people .
28 Secondly , since Rookes v. Barnard there has been considerable development in the contractual context of the doctrine of ‘ economic duress , ’ and in this context it is clear that although a threat to break a contract is ‘ illegitimate ’ it will not amount to duress unless it goes beyond commercial pressure and amounts to ‘ coercion of the will . ’
29 In this context it is of interest to note that male staff in the city 's special units often have sporting interests and a significant number are former PE teachers .
30 In this context it is interesting to note that in 1976 the DES informed the WJEC that it was customary to use the title ‘ College or Institute of Higher Education ’ only for establishments where the advanced courses represent 60 per cent or more of the total provision , which is certainly not the case in all the Welsh colleges .
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