Example sentences of "in this respect [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect they are alike , and like all other works of art .
2 In this respect they share a property of living organisms .
3 In this respect they considered elephants , brought to Rome as exhibits from the Punic Wars against Hannibal , superior to works of art and fine craftsmanship .
4 In this respect they are similar to the developing blood cells whose diversity is also controlled by a sequence of signals from the surrounding tissues .
5 In this respect they are the forerunners of the juvenile labour exchanges with their affiliated services of vocational guidance and after-care .
6 In this respect they confirm the importance of the role of the trust on intestacy which was the theme of the previous chapter .
7 Fashion and artistic imagination spread a thick veil of Celtic fancy over the romances ; but through the veil we can discern the real human problems of Wolfram and his like ; in this respect they follow in the footsteps of the twelfth-century humanists , Abelard , Heloise and Ailred .
8 Dyslexic pupils may , however , have particular difficulty with the attainment target concerned with ‘ secretarial ’ skills , and in this respect they may benefit particularly from using word processors , including spelling checkers .
9 In this respect they show interesting similarities to developments in Britain .
10 In this respect they are probably quite unlike the apes , who have not yet been subjected to evolutionary pressures for rapid acquisition of symbol systems .
11 In this respect they are similar to ethnographic restudies ( p. 92 ) .
12 In this respect they contrast with another set of objections , which point to ambiguities in the claims Althusser has actually made ; and one of the most pertinent of these concerns his account of ideology .
13 Nevertheless , even in this respect they were de facto more like than unlike the Western nationalism of the liberal era .
14 To warrant such claims , however , results must , at the very least , be replicable , and in this respect they failed .
15 They treat their women like mules and they fornicate with animals ; indeed in this respect they are so jealous that they go so far as to attach chastity belts to their mares and mules .
16 In this respect they were typical of most industrially employed women in Scotland at the time ( see Table 6b ) .
17 In this respect they are much the same as primitive people , who often take several days over assembling for some purpose and then several more to get started .
18 In this respect they are going against the trend of owner-occupation accounting for a larger and larger proportion of the housing stock — in 1986 about 63 per cent in Great Britain , up from 26 per cent in 1947 ( Social Trends 18 , 1988 , Table 7 ; Donnison 1967 , Table 10 ) .
19 The Rules were made in 1925 and in this respect they have not been changed .
20 The Etruscans were great builders and in this respect they occupy a similar relationship to the Romans in the development of architecture as do the Pelasgic and Minoan peoples to the Greek .
21 In this respect we believe that the next generation of GIS will be more akin to DSS than to sophisticated mapping packages , as is presently the case .
22 In this respect we have to examine the question of luxury goods and their production .
23 In this respect we are unable to conclude on the completeness and accuracy of the company 's accounting records . ’
24 In this respect we compare very unfavourably with our continental neighbours .
25 In this respect we have many things in common with them , but with our mental erm structure , our habits of being tradesmen created the Kuwaiti community to be adventurous , to be erm well co-ordinated with each other , to have erm ambitions and to be wise in the use of their resources .
26 In this respect she is not as generous as her predecessors .
27 I mean people are a bit narrow in this respect you know they do n't like people to talk about it too openly — but I do because I think it 's important but the trouble is that — erm — that 's not really systematic in the sense that I do it but how many other people do it you see .
28 In this respect he was faithful to the specific teaching of the Gītā on the need for detached or selfless action , and he may well be reflecting the stress on dharma , or duty , characteristic of the Hindu tradition and which received particular emphasis in the Buddhist tradition .
29 In this respect he was confirming that what the movies did best was to tell stories as effectively as they could without wandering too far from the values of the old nineteenth-century themes .
30 In this respect he is something like a general on a battlefield — except that the battle never comes to an end .
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