Example sentences of "in the middle [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sure enough , a light came on in the middle floor of the wing .
2 This could help to give substance to what is meant by the spiritual dimension , for both of them lived out the kind of character expressed in the middle column of Table 6.1 .
3 It does n't in the middle English bit , it 's does n't say that it 's a strong smell .
4 In the middle layer is greenish gabbro , molten rock that never made it to the surface of the crust .
5 Each node 's output in the middle layer is connected to just one node in the top layer .
6 The views he expressed in The Middle Way , published in 1938 , pointing towards a managed economy and the expansion of welfare services to achieve a national minimum , came close to expressing the essential ingredients of what both PEP and the Next Five Years Group wanted in the way of a change of direction by the National Government .
7 His translators over the past two centuries might be divided into literalists , freewheeling creativists , and those — the greater number — who have attempted something in the middle way between Newmark 's " semantic " and " communicative " ; those , indeed , who have attempted to " English " him .
8 Descriptions of houses and their environs can sometimes be reconstructed from such items as ‘ goods in the hall , in the middle chamber , in the hall-chamber , in the kitchen , in the milkhouse , in the barn and another barn . ’
9 Vuggy porosity resulting from the leaching of replacement anhydrite , in the middle carbonate member of the Z1 Anhydrite of Tønder-2 , southern Denmark ; ( A ) core slab ( scale bar 2 cm ) ; ( B ) photomicrograph ( scale bar 1 mm ) .
10 The French-trained Lion Cavern , who was beaten a length by Rodrigo de Triano in the Middle Park Stakes , has been confirmed a definite starter for the Newbury race , which has attracted 13 acceptors .
11 It has a characteristic shape when plotted against the raw probabilities , as shown in figure 8.5 ; it is S-shaped and is approximately linear in the middle part of the distribution .
12 The Bruner material in Man : a Course of Study is an interesting example in the middle part of the process , paving the way for freer , more student-originated activity .
13 In the middle part of pregnancy , Rachel felt ‘ sexier than ever before — in a constant state of arousal .
14 Your doctor will expect a slightly lower reading in the middle part of your pregnancy , followed by a rise in the later weeks .
15 What happens in the middle part of each phase may seem — mistakenly — unimportant .
16 We have studied the morphogenesis of minute adenomas in FAP cases by complete serial sectioning of apparently normal colonic mucosa and have found that adenomas developed in the middle part of normal crypts , sprouting into lamina propria mucosa as ‘ buds of adenomas ’ .
17 In the middle part of the crypt , a cluster of transformed cells breaks through the crypt basement membrane and is identified as an adenoma bud .
18 it will be able to interpret for them what these numbers mean in the middle bit .
19 A supplementary legal aid scheme started five years ago in Hong Kong was helping personal injury litigants in the middle income trap , the conference heard .
20 These tints are balanced by a very little warm colour on a road and gravel pit in the foreground , a single house in the middle distance , and the scarlet jacket of a labourer .
21 Although , in the evening , the orange glow of Newcastle-upon-Tyne hangs in the middle distance and the moan of motorways is blown to the outskirts of its beautiful formal gardens , it remains a peaceful oasis of eighteenth-century civilization , unchanged in its verdant park , beneath which lurk a hundred disused coal pits .
22 In the middle distance can be seen Ham Hill , Montacute Tor , Alfred 's Tower above Stourhead and the earthworks of Cadbury Castle which some romantics like to believe was King Arthur 's Camelot .
23 The turf , dense and springy after the summer 's rain , was rolled into even stripes which led the eye away to the pine woods in the middle distance ; the forest obscured what had once been an inspiring view of the valley of the Dee , but shielded the castle from curious passers-by on the road that followed the river banks .
24 In the middle distance , undulating sand hid the road , though not a tiny green Land Rover moving along it .
25 Below , in the middle distance , buildings and palms lay in clusters several miles apart .
26 When the truck had dumped me and my kit-bag at the Guard Room and I had a chance to look around me , I spied in the middle distance a cluster of substantial looking buildings .
27 Through a gap a long wave of treetops stretched to the horizon , in the middle distance the smoke was coming and going in irregular bursts as they had seen it do once before from Ridgery Steep .
28 as if to underline his words a creaming beam wave appeared in the middle distance , suddenly becoming apparent that it was a freak .
29 There is the Blue House and the Blue Boar , the Market Place still divided by buildings across the centre of it , and the spire of the unrebuilt St John 's church rising in the middle distance .
30 Hubert squinted as though at some object in the middle distance as he tried to recall .
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