Example sentences of "in the present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the first phase of the Playhouse renovation , new seating will be installed and the foyer and front of house will be improved , with a restaurant for 200 being created in the present Liberty Suite .
2 Some groups have been buying into the new sites — as House of Fraser , which owns Harrods , has done at Meadowhall in Sheffield — but such an expensive strategy requires cool nerves in the present recession .
3 In the present recession the bureau have helped villagers solve problems with unemployment , homelessness and debt .
4 In the present recession a fall in the value of the pound would not mean a rise in expenditures abroad .
5 Will he now look at those matters seriously because , in the present recession , those institutions are in a grievous plight about which the Minister must do something ?
6 In the present recession , almost 100,000 jobs have gone , according to the Government 's figures published in Employment Gazette .
7 We do n't need all that much from each club to keep us afloat but if we do n't get your help , I am very concerned that in the present recession we shall not be able to keep up our work and in conclusion Your Royal Highness perhaps I could just say that the Seamanship Foundation is very grateful to the R Y A , to the Treasurer , Chris and particularly to the Senior Managers who have done everything they can to help the foundation , thank you .
8 One can also add that there is something in the present policies of the SDLP which suggest a need to maintain a somewhat fragile unity in respect of the national question .
9 In keeping with Sandie Macleod 's fighting on behalf of the clans , the Laird himself , although straitened by low incomes from his estates , had never racked his rents and as a consequence , says Boswell , ‘ so far is he from distressing his people , that , in the present rage for emigration , not a man has left his estate . ’
10 Indisputably , the air waybill has attained sufficient significance to merit its own provision in the present revision of the UCP .
11 In the present swap litigation there are a very large number of separate actions , in all of which banks are plaintiffs , and in nearly all of which English local authorities are defendants .
12 As an employer , agriculture occupies some 8m people in the present EEC , the majority of whom are farmers and their families ; only a minority is employed on a wage basis .
13 Other B.S.B.I. field meetings took place in Stornoway ( Copping , 1977 ) , Barra ( Conacher , 1980 ) and Stornoway once more ( Currie , 1984 , unpublished but the information incorporated in the present Flora ) .
14 Most of its historical anomalies survive in the present offence .
15 Having just received our annual pay rise , it brought to our attention yet again the anomalies in the present pay structure .
16 As a result the Conservative Party continues to enjoy the favours of those newspaper owners who are embedded in the present structures of power and of wealth generation .
17 This association of societies for the Blind and the Deaf continues to this day in the present building at Centenary House , North Street , Leeds .
18 The Tate collections have long needed to be split : traditional British art in the present building ; modern British ( twentieth-century , or post-1945 ? ) and foreign Schools elsewhere , except perhaps for the jumbo Moore bronzes , which could be recycled for a Thatcher monument , or other suitable purposes .
19 My Lords , I thank my Noble Friend for that answer as far as it goes , however , is my Noble Friend aware that three important functions o of the British Library , namely the National Sound Archive , the Photographic Processing Unit , an and the er Conservation are er not going to be included this p or in other parts of London and can not be included in the present building .
20 Erm the erm th this shows Britain 's stockpile of , of uranium this is actually depleted uranium which can be used in the fast reactor but ca n't be used in the present type of er thermal reactors but what you see there is virtually the er all of it , th it 's , it 's erm stored at a place called erm er Capenhurst in , in Cheshire on the Wirral erm and erm there 's a few jars off the edge as you can see but basically that 's er that 's it and what you see there , in energy terms , represents erm the equivalent of our entire coal reserves .
21 In the present spirit of the age , ’ Surtees replied with a sidelong glance at Catherine , ‘ more generous provision from the public purse might even lead to a proliferation of bastardy .
22 The difficulty arose in the present case because of the Divisional Court 's decision in R v Board of Inland Revenue , Ex parte Goldberg ( 1989 ) QB 267 .
23 All the requirements of issue estoppel were satisfied in the present case .
24 Therefore in the present case the justices came to the correct conclusion .
25 In the present case the mother said that D was secure with the foster parents and that custodianship would be enough .
26 Imro added : ‘ We do not seek to defend our regulatory performance in the present case as beyond criticism ; but against deliberate , calculated theft , only general vigilance by all offers protection .
27 And if in the present case the staff plan is at fault , blame can be laid at no one 's door but my own .
28 ‘ A properly directed minister acting reasonably could not have been satisfied that a public inquiry was unnecessary in the present case , where two substantial groups with conflicting views were involved ’ , he held .
29 ‘ The district council , however , have not given any reason why the palpable hardship in the present case has not been alleviated by the grant of a consent in writing on terms which will safeguard the company 's business but will also protect the public ’ .
30 The means by which establishments have been effected in this country are : by Royal or Parliamentary institution … or by a general subscription … or by subscriptions of substantial sums … subscribers become governors or directors of their own establishment … this latter seems to be the proper method to be adopted in the present case
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