Example sentences of "in the same direction " in BNC.

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1 This way , all the grain travels in the same direction and you do not store up shrinkage problems .
2 I look in the same direction to account for the charming note ‘ Granovsky has got a bit out of hand ’ .
3 Ron Todd , the general secretary of the transport workers ' union , said that today 's vote on the multilaterist nuclear defence policy would not yield the ‘ massive and overwhelming ’ majority predicted by right-wingers , and he warned that party leaders could not expect everybody to ‘ goose-step ’ in the same direction once the policy had been carried .
4 If competing ideas all point in the same direction , the politicians follow .
5 He had picked up the Bren gun and was gazing to the left of the wood and pointing the gun in the same direction .
6 Despite our finding that television news is biased , there is no doubt that it is less biased than the press , and that such bias as there is on television is in the same direction on both BBC and ITV .
7 The bar chart below shows the figures for unidirectional composites , in which the fibres are all aligned in the same direction .
8 His company was ‘ simply giving a push in the same direction . ’
9 The OR Staff are quite rightly intent on seeking battle-winning performance ; the scientists and technologists enjoy and rise to the challenge ; and so both the principal groups of participants in equipment development are pushing in the same direction without an effective countervailing force .
10 The rear suspension deforms slightly on corners , allowing the rear wheels to steer up to 3° in the same direction as the front wheels .
11 The trend was not , however , all in the same direction .
12 Achieve the effect by having a number of loudspeakers at lowish level , preferably facing in the same direction .
13 Twelve hours later we pulled into Zaudinskiy , the junction of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian lines , and after fond farewells and toasts my comrades headed west — in the same direction as train after train loaded with tanks .
14 Other great cities went in the same direction , without any questions being asked in central government , or by the opposition , about the electoral system .
15 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
16 Where we might have expected these to vary in the same direction as the specialist team 's , they in fact exhibit a different set of distinctions , particularly in the high rate of service provision and the trend towards maintaining cases as live .
17 To achieve a broadloom effect , lay the tiles with e arrows facing in the same direction .
18 Moreover , on some occasions ( and the present scenario could well be one ) the economic and social pressures may be pushing in the same direction as educational forces .
19 If a school is to be effective , the staff should all be working in the same direction , rather than pursuing conflicting goals .
20 I will take an example where all the methods can be used , and where all point in the same direction , so that the answer is probably correct .
21 So in this case the different sources of evidence all point in the same direction , whether derived from a detailed consideration of the way the trilobite is constructed , or by analogy with living animals with similar adaptations , or from the evidence of the rocks or the distribution of the fossils .
22 He was going in the same direction , empty .
23 Efforts were made to nudge the International in the same direction .
24 Competitive market differentiation leads , then , in the same direction as the aesthetic process of verisimilitude : towards innovation , generic mixing , mutation .
25 None the less , what the United States data imply is that the upward trend in recorded crime is in the same direction as actual victimization , although at a slower rate .
26 Thereupon the world reverses its rotation and everything starts to deteriorate until God reasserts his control and lets the universe rotate once again in the same direction as before .
27 We are all used to thinking of the Earth as some kind of large magnet , with two magnetic poles located quite near the geographic North and South Poles , so that the needle of a compass always lines up in the same direction .
28 Continuing in the same direction , Long Drop Cave may be seen at the base of a low cliff , and this is succeeded by a series of minor potholes known as the Eyeholes which seem almost friendly by comparison .
29 It is possible to see the introduction of the GCSE as a much more dramatic step in the same direction .
30 He was irritated by my disbelief and pointed forcefully in the same direction as before , shouting , ‘ Reggane ! ’
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