Example sentences of "in the [num] budget " in BNC.

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1 The rate has been reduced from its previous level of 9.75% in accordance with an undertaking made in the 1991 Budget to keep it broadly in line with mortgage rates .
2 This reflects the doubling of the tax relief for PRP in the 1991 Budget , but there is no doubt that the need to cut costs is also driving employers to look at PRP .
3 Tax relief on mortgage interest payments is now restricted to the basic rate of income tax ; all higher rate relief was withdrawn in the 1991 Budget .
4 This , together with the increase in VAT rates to 17.5% in the 1991 Budget , have caused the ratio to continue its downward path .
5 Despite the growing pressure for a slowing of expenditure on SDI , Cheney had requested an additional $866,000,000 ( i.e. an increase of 23 per cent on the 1990 allocation ) for SDI research in the 1991 budget .
6 The Finnish Rural Party ( SMP ) on Aug. 24 withdrew from the governing coalition following a disagreement over pensions in the 1991 budget .
7 The Finance Minister warned that there would be no increase in public spending in the 1991 budget .
8 A subsequent weakening of international oil prices , however , caused the government to order spending reductions of up to 10 per cent in the 1991 budget [ see below ] .
9 Despite this increase , however , defence spending as a proportion of the budget as a whole amounted to 28.6 per cent in the 1991 budget compared with 30.4 per cent in 1990 .
10 The tax and royalty changes announced in the 1983 budget brought a change of atmosphere with a significant increase in new developments and in exploration and appraisal drilling .
11 In the 1983 budget , gifts to charities were exempted from capital transfer tax .
12 The state allocated twelve million naira to the venture in the 1981 budget .
13 In line with the government 's objective there was a reduction in the top ( from 83 to 60 per cent ) and standard rates of income tax ( from 33 to 30 per cent ) in the 1979 budget , and a shift to indirect taxes .
14 Capital transfer tax was abolished in the 1986 Budget and has been replaced by inheritance tax which , for those who can remember it , seems largely modelled on the old estate duty .
15 The announcement in the Medium Term Financial Strategy ( MTFS ) in the 1980 budget of monetary targets — which would fall year by year ( see Table 8.3 ) — was also regarded as a means of lowering the expectations of wage bargainers .
16 Certain authorities , originally identified by Sir Geoffrey Howe as potential recipients of enterprise zones in the 1980 Budget speech — notably Sheffield and Wolverhampton — were unable to reach agreement with the Treasury over this issue , and were thus not granted zones .
17 In the 1980 budget , the Government announced that unemployment pay , sickness and invalidity benefit would be liable to tax .
18 In the 1980 Budget , the Chancellor announced target ranges for the growth of M3 ( then called sterling M3 ) and targets for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP at market prices .
19 This sum was raised from £20,500 to £21,300 in the 1987 budget .
20 In the 1987 Budget , a ceiling of £150,000 was imposed on the amount that individuals could take in the form of a tax-free lump sum on retirement .
21 The proviso whereby it was possible for some individuals to enjoy an enhanced accrual scale to qualify for full pension benefits after 10 years of service was altered in the 1987 Budget — with a new period of 20 years ' service being required .
22 In the 1987 budget , a " carryback " was introduced for BES investors , enabling them to carry back to the previous tax year relief on up to 15,000 invested .
23 As a result , in the 1987 Budget , the growth target for M3 was formally abandoned .
24 There are three different rates of income tax : the new 20 per cent rate introduced in the 1992 Budget which applies to the first £2,000 of your taxable income ; the 25 per cent basic rate tax which applies to the next slice of taxable income between £2,000 and £23,700 ; and the 40 per cent higher rate tax which is levied on all taxable income over £23,700 .
25 The different rates sometimes change or , as in the 1992 Budget , a new rate may be introduced .
26 It was calculated that the measures contained in the 1992 budget would bring about a reduction of 3-4 per cent in the real incomes of many workers and pensioners , as anticipated increases in wages and in pensions were equivalent to half of the inflation rate ( expected to be 12.5 per cent ) .
27 Despite its being an election year , Aquino had also vetoed a provision in the 1992 budget to limit payments on the country 's US$29,000 million foreign debt ( currently 30 per cent of export earnings ) to 10 per cent of 1990 export revenue .
28 In the 1992 budget presented on March 5 , Finance and Trade Minister Molwyn Joseph predicted a surplus of EC$81,196 and said that the government would seek to reduce public spending and to spend " more wisely " .
29 Reports indicated , however , that as in the 1992 budget [ see p. 38211 where it was wrongly given as the 1991 budget ; for 1991 budget see p. 38072 ] , there was special emphasis on the reconstruction of the country 's social , economic and industrial infrastructure .
30 The Russian government 's resolution of Sept. 4 on the detailed expenditure in the 1992 budget ( approved by the Supreme Soviet on July 17 — see p. 39020 ) was published in full in Rossiiskaya gazeta of Sept. 15 .
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