Example sentences of "a commitment to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We want , above all else , a system of inspection that does not derive from ideology , that is not a quick fix , that does not represent a commitment to privatisation on the ground that the Department of Education and Science must deliver its element of privatisation .
2 Buyoya had appointed Sibomana in October 1988 to demonstrate a commitment to reconciliation after ethnic massacres [ see pp. 36328-29 ; 37056-57 ] .
3 ‘ Moreover , it is important to realise that a commitment to animal welfare is consistent with striving to improve the overall condition of those individuals who have a welfare , both humans and other animals , even if this means decreasing the welfare of some .
4 The ultimate question which arises in this area of law is whether a commitment to subjectivism should override all other considerations regardless of circumstances or social cost .
5 These several claims justify a commitment to consistency in principle valued for its own sake .
6 If this cleaving or oneness is actually to occur , it must be activated by a commitment to intimacy , not just physical intimacy but spiritual and psychological intimacy as well .
7 Within the lively political and religious life of Leicester in the 1820s and 1830s the Baptist Mursells , father and son , shaped a commitment to missionary work and its support , antislavery and political liberalism and launched the young Congregationalist Edward Miall on his notable career in journalism and reformist religious politics .
8 A commitment to legislation , timetables and budgets , as well as the reversal of the outflow of resources from the developing nations , were vital , in addressing the root causes of environmental problems , it warned .
9 The guidelines state that ‘ The Institute expects that all members will demonstrate … a commitment to CPE based on these guidelines . ’
10 The Institute expects that all members will demonstrate such a commitment to CPE based on these guidelines .
11 the process of making a commitment to marriage usually involves a number of stages .
12 Alternatively there may be a commitment to competition as the appropriate form of economic organization , either because competition is a good in itself , or because it delivers the goods .
13 MATURITY IS : Recognising that it is not a commitment to self which brings happiness in life but rather a commitment to others .
14 Hallmarks of the research training provided by the department include both a commitment to individual , specialised scholarship and a concern for broader contemporary trends and potentials in the discipline .
15 Despite a commitment to curriculum entitlement ( FEU 1989 ) , institutions have commonly narrowed opportunities by the provision of separate courses or by restricting the participation of disabled students in a full range of general education classes .
16 In practice , they are effective , hardworking groups of professionals and laypeople who have a commitment to education .
17 Furthermore the candidate for this party in one constituency may stress a commitment to education , while colleagues in other constituencies may make the pensions increase the central plank in their programme .
18 Whilst the situation has not reached the endemic proportions of mentally ill people who are homeless in America , the situation of these groups in Britain is serious enough to warrant consideration and a commitment to funding of decent support in the community .
19 The most notable examples were grouping , the practice of having a multiple curriculum focus in teaching sessions , with different groups working in different curriculum areas , and the kinds of teacher-pupil interaction associated with a commitment to discovery learning .
20 His decision to send National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft and Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger to Beijing not only flouted international opinion , it suggested a commitment to Realpolitik .
21 He/she should be able to demonstrate a commitment to performance of high quality studies to Good Laboratory Practice in a busy commercial environment .
22 Three of the relationships are particularly scandalous ( even to those of us who do not espouse religion , let alone a commitment to celibacy ) simply because the priests involved and the Catholic Church too in some cases behaved in such an uncaring , un-Christian way .
23 The US and Britain share a common experience of advancing telecommunications technology ( witness the merging of telecommunications and computing technologies ) and a commitment to deregulation of the telecommunications network .
24 Speaking to a gathering at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations , Bush stressed , however , that the Soviet Union 's full membership in the world economic community depended on a programme of political reform including a commitment to freedom for the Baltic states , a return of the four Kurile islands to Japan , an end to Soviet military aid to Cuba and deeper cuts in defence expenditure .
25 In the towns around the main prisons , above all Huntsville , a culture of loyalty to TDC and a commitment to integrity and consistency had become established .
26 ( dis ) parities is the first of a season of three exhibitions of paintings and art works produced by contemporary women who share a commitment to abstraction .
27 Socialist parties have often rejected such a close connection with the Western alliance , but claimed a commitment to pacifism , neutrality and equality also found among left-wing parties in the West .
28 A joint statement was issued , which noted that both sides had agreed " on a common commitment towards the resolution of the existing climate of violence and intimidation from whatever quarter , as well as a commitment to stability and to a peaceful process of negotiations " .
29 Although this was an extremely delicate operation for Nizan to perform , given that in 1934 he had carried out the rather complex act of ideological rehabilitation designed to demonstrate that Gide 's intellectual itinerary was such as to lead him inevitably to a commitment to communism , he none the less succeeded in combining professional respect for Gide 's qualities as a writer with penetrating criticism of what he considered to be Gide 's superficial analysis and hasty dismissal of the Soviet state .
30 Numbers of tutors with a commitment to language courses varied considerably .
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