Example sentences of "a lot [prep] information " in BNC.

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1 A lot of information has been crammed into this guide and if you intend going to the Continent , then this is one item you should definitely put on your list of things to take .
2 He had an archbishop , Fisher , with a good judgement of men and with a lot of information about them .
3 I get a lot of information out of her .
4 ‘ OK , it 's a lot of information to take in , but it is important you understand these things — my thoughts . ’
5 Sometimes , they enable us to extract a lot of information from very few cues .
6 Traditionally parents have tried to keep a lot of information about life and about their own affairs from their children .
7 But , with a little guidance , it 's possible to get quite a lot of information about the contents and the nutritional value of the food inside .
8 Now , the range of pre-packed foods available is huge and most labels give a lot of information about the contents .
9 The labels on food products give a lot of information .
10 Many people seem to think that bar codes carry a lot of information .
11 I 've presented you with a lot of information in this article , so remember to take your time and try to practise every day .
12 ‘ I am frightened about the whole AIDS and HIV thing but I think we have got a lot of information from television on that , ’ says Gary Williams aged 14 .
13 In her book ‘ The Ribbing Attachment ( Part 1 ) ’ , Mary Weaver gives a lot of information about yarns , wool included .
14 The pair have tracked down a lot of information about the Pagefield Ironworks including some of the original draughtsmen 's drawings .
15 ‘ I 've collated quite a lot of information from the researchers , ’ Paula commented sitting at her desk .
16 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
17 I think it 'll be good for Pauline she gets a lot of information .
18 They are interesting , I mean then , they 're , they 're , got quite a lot of information on about what 's going on
19 Similarly , if the framework proves to be unhelpful in reducing a lot of information to a managerial level , then that framework is dropped and new conceptualizations or frameworks are developed .
20 a lot of pupils you are giving a lot of information
21 In your text book you 've got quite a lot of information in there about reinforcing , what we 're going to do in the practical session and it 's always a help I think when you have a lot of the , thrown at you to know that you can just put it up and there it is if you get a bit confusing or ca n't remember what 's what , so on page one six nine it starts telling you all about nursing and bandages and general hygiene which we 've already talked quite a lot about but it 's very useful for you to know , you can go there and look , and if you just go through the pages from there on one seventy , one seven one , one seven two , one seven three and then on one seven four it 's got the general rules for applying bandages apply bandages when the casualty is sitting or lying down , you always sit your casualty down and you work from the front of , I say why do you work from the front of the thing ?
22 But if the objective of the advertising for such a brand is , in fact , to talk to newcomers to the market ( and there are always newcomers to any market ) , or to the unconverted , or to disloyal users of other brands , there is , obviously , a very clear , specific case for ads which carry quite a lot of information , presented in a suitably attractive way .
23 The process of identifying and defining the target group , and the research required to do this , will usually have provided a lot of information , too , about how the consumer thinks about our brand .
24 The fact is , as we shall see , that different media do tend to be rather better for different things — you can not get a lot of information into a 30-second TV commercial , for example .
25 The distribution of points in it contains quite a lot of information , but the basic clustering algorithm will lose it because this algorithm will lump all the points into a single cluster .
26 Although , like us , he 'd had no news , either from the guards or television or magazines , he somehow felt he had a lot of information that came to him through the ether .
27 The number of people identified who have made the move to the community was 768 at the last count , up to about September 1988. 526 are included in the evaluation , so we are already getting a lot of information about the potential of community care .
28 They convey to someone who belongs to the same culture a lot of information about the person who is wearing or carrying them .
29 Right One of the things that er we try to pass on is that you 'll pick up a lot of information which may not be relevant to you but may be relevant to members of your family or friends .
30 Right I 've mentioned questions you 'll notice that we 've got money and retirement mister John from now most of you may have seen the name in various erm very good speaker John you 'll a you 'll appreciate ca n't really say enjoy his talk because he really goes on and gives you a lot of information you 'll appreciate it rather than enjoy it .
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