Example sentences of "a few simple [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At best , limited speech synthesis and a few simple graphics can be offered to accompany the essentially textual databases .
2 It 's amazing how a few simple changes can make such a difference ! ’
3 Lastly , we can all make a contribution towards reducing condensation by a mixture of common sense and a few simple changes to our everyday habits .
4 Due to a few simple changes on employment records , the cleaning income was tax-free .
5 The RISC I instruction set contains a few simple operations which operate on registers .
6 And our optional Payment Protector plan covers you against loss of income in the event of sickness , accident or compulsory redundancy ( subject to a few simple conditions ) .
7 When teachers give them a few simple objects ( cardboard boxes , old clothes , bits of material , and the like ) which could be the basis for playful construction , the children do n't know what to do .
8 Only a few simple cartridges are available , including Tennis , Baseball and Super Mario Land .
9 All of their problems could have been solved with a few simple decisions but they seemed to have been robbed of their ability to think straight . ’
10 There is little justification for assuming the uncertain earlier attribution of the Shipman 's Tale to be meaningful and its final attribution to be merely a convenient slot in which Chaucer parked his tale without even bothering to make a few simple revisions to make the tale fit its new narrator .
11 Physical chemists like Vernon Harcourt in Oxford were just beginning to study reaction-mechanisms in a few simple cases in the 1860s , and at the same period in France P. M. Berthelot was performing total syntheses , and in Norway C. M. Guldberg and P. Waage discovered the Law of Mass Action governing chemical equilibria .
12 Before you start home hunting , call at your local Midland branch , answer a few simple questions to our satisfaction , and we will give you a Mortgage Certificate .
13 All you could send to them were the printable characters , plus a few simple commands like ‘ carriage return ’ and ‘ line feed ’ .
14 With a few simple commands great sweeping designs appear and disappear , colours change and a new pattern emerges .
15 With a few simple lines of BASIC great sweeping designs can be made to appear and disappear , colours will change and a new pattern emerges .
16 Science International certainly ranged widely during its first week , as well as getting across a few simple principles .
17 Meanwhile pacifists were generally content with the abstract moralizing suggested by the Manchester Guardian 's opposition to the formation of a Liberal Foreign Affairs Committee on the grounds that the ‘ success or failure [ of foreign policy ] depends on the application of a few simple principles to facts which as a rule are not very numerous nor very complicated . ’
18 Vibrational excitation has only been reported for a few simple molecules in the gas phase , as shown in Fig. 5.8 , and vibrational structure may also be seen on some bands arising from electronic transitions .
19 As it then appeared quarterly , Minton executed four designs , each vignette alluding to one of the four seasons , evocatively suggested by a few simple ingredients in a neo-romantic style ( Colour Plate X ) .
20 So I took this Whitley up for 10 , 15 maybe 20 minutes and just made quite sure that all the engines were running perfectly , made a spot check on each engine and tested its flying capabilities — hands off and a few simple things in everyday testing .
21 Consequently , he endured the pain as he went through a few simple movements .
22 A few simple prayers , followed by a blessing , completed the short service .
23 They are limited to microworlds where a few simple rules of thumb reign .
24 A few simple rules will ensure that you win pretty consistently .
25 And I do feel that by just following a few simple rules like that we can avoid a lot of the problems that come into our advice centre .
26 This might consist of a few simple rules and procedure to control decision-making and conflict , for example .
27 So they 're asking musicians to follow a few simple rules , as Ken Goodwin has been finding out .
28 She adds : ‘ By understanding our bodies and following a few simple rules , we can stay young and feel young — like a young sapling instead of an old , gnarled oak tree . ’
29 The easiest way to introduce the strategy is to give a few simple demonstrations : 1 .
30 Management of cases with LM potencies is quite simple as long as patient compliance is good and if a few simple guide-lines are followed .
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