Example sentences of "a [adj] nor [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , the coastline 's area is zero , so neither a one-dimensional nor a two-dimensional picture is appropriate , and in fact the way in which the length increases with resolution suggests a dimension D of about 1.2 The mathematics of sets of points with fractional dimensionality was developed in the early years of this century , but associated geometric objects were considered as ‘ pathological ’ and not corresponding to anything in Nature , Mandelbrot 's massive and single-minded achievement has been to convert this abstract formalism into a flourishing branch of applied mathematics , in three ways .
2 It was moved by Francis Maginn who told his audience that in almost every state of America , in addition to a National Society , there was an Association of deaf mutes organised and officered by the prominent deaf themselves , whereas in the United Kingdom , where there were about twenty thousand deaf , there was neither a regional nor a national organisation .
3 Obviously is neither a scalar nor the component of a four-vector : if it were the first it would remain constant under the Lorentz transformation to S ' if it were the second the change would be linear in γ .
4 But his party had neither a national nor an ideological base , and was used by the president merely as a vehicle for his political advancement .
5 Godoy , Prince of the Peace , was neither a reactionary nor a brutal tyrant ; indeed he was a mild progressive who consistently posed as the friend of enlightenment , earning for himself that hatred of priests and monks which contributed to his fall .
6 Like power , money as it stands is neither a good nor a bad commodity .
7 This is neither a bold nor an embittered question .
8 It is neither a physical nor a psychological attraction .
9 Neither a sociological nor a psychological type , he represents an assemblage of mental attitudes , providing a kind of vade-mecum and at the same time an ironic counterpoint to the anxieties of a public that is presumed by the book itself to have lost faith in totalizing explanations and englobing narratives .
10 Though neither a Marxist nor a Freudian , I find Marxist criticism deeply interesting , but not the Freudian equivalent .
11 In the middle of the Great War , the Emperor Charles told his foreign minister Czernin that he wanted neither a military nor an economic agreement with his ally , Germany , because that might fit the Hohenzollern design to make of Austria a second Bavaria .
12 If it is accepted that ability to consume is the major determinant and indicator of economic status — and that is implicit in the common concern over the ‘ standard of living ’ of different groups in society — then the conclusion must be that retirement is only one of a number of factors that affect economic status , and retirement alone is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for economic dependency .
13 The reasons for Black people 's poor housing are well documented but neither a formal nor a perceptual space for raising a discussion of such issues is available in the film .
14 It is neither a desirable nor a necessary product .
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