Example sentences of "a [adj] list [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Get them ( a ) to supply you with book lists and reading lists ( b ) to give you a dated list of topics to be discussed , so that you can study them before the date on which they will be treated ( c ) to become accustomed to questions from the class .
2 He was certainly not purporting to compile a representative list of ‘ extra-hazardous ’ activities — though one of the fundamental problems about Rylands v. Fletcher is perhaps that the law has never made up its mind whether the rule is aimed at such activities .
3 The prices are collected by postal contact with manufacturers or visits to retailers in a representative list of towns .
4 Instead we get from Thucydides a dry list of founders and foundation-dates for the various Sicilian cities .
5 An information sheet for patients is printed overleaf and a possible list of instructions to be given to patients using 100 or 150ml stock bottles is included .
6 A possible list of management information , showing frequency and circulation , is given overleaf .
7 A possible list of topics for inclusion in a suitable course is suggested below .
8 Students have a free choice deciding on five honours subjects , which are chosen from a total list of about thirty .
9 By use of a computer-generated list of codes , 400 9-month-olds and 406 6-month-olds were randomly assigned to receive one dose of IPV or OPV ( 6-month-old children also received Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine ; results have been reported elsewhere ) .
10 The second reason given seems a little odd at first : a specific list of prohibited practices can only increase the degree of uncertainty for firms compared to the current arrangements , where nothing is specified .
11 A session of the Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of CIS Armed Forces which met on Nov. 18 was , however , unable to reach agreement on a specific list of units which should comprise CIS strategic forces under the new definition .
12 He paused while Manville opened the folder and drew out a typed list of names .
13 Thirty practices with a combined list of 175 417 patients had open access to the radiology services provided by the district .
14 These practices have been excluded from the analysis , which is therefore based on referrals from 22 practices with a combined list of 144 614 registered patients .
15 In the course of their researches , Les and Pam discovered that the Ministry of Defence ( Air ) had no list of Far East survivors nor even a complete list of those captured by the Japanese .
16 Keep a complete list of all the reporting and editing staff on all the outlets in your area .
17 While not representing a complete list of provisions these sections map out the range of professional social work services which should become available at the local level to deal comprehensively with difficulties that might arise in the life of a young person .
18 I am attaching a complete list of the personnel in the film unit .
19 These are just SOME of the tour dates , so ring 081 690 9368 for a complete list of events !
20 assemble a complete list of creditors and outstanding balances
21 If a user wants to read all the news stories on say , Lloyd 's insurance , he or she simply types in the name on a computer keyboard and a complete list of stories appears on the screen in seconds .
22 1 Prepare a script which shall meet the following requirements : the complete typescript to make a book of not more than 32 pages a complete list of any textual or illustrative copyrighted material to be included together with full information on source of such material supply a complete art brief for any illustrations required
23 2 prepare a script for an Activity Book which will make a book of not less than 40 pages , together with a complete list of any illustrative material required .
24 Readers consulting a specific category will find a complete list of periodicals dealing with that subject .
25 They do not represent a complete list of the ‘ traditions ’ in English curricula nor are they timeless entities ; they simply represent three clear constellations of curriculum styles which recur in the history of the school subjects under study .
26 And , despite the fact that the movement was then extremely suspicious of any outsiders , let alone sociologists , I was granted permission to study the Unification Church on my own terms ( independent funding , a complete list of the membership and access to all members ) — albeit after a lengthy period of negotiation .
27 A complete list of art objects lost between Germany and Russia during and after World War II is to be prepared for a new , German , state-funded foundation which will aim to help both countries to regain their lost or displaced art works .
28 Following her doctoral thesis which , supervised by Gordan , closed with a complete list of 331 covariant forms for a given ternary quintic , her strong inclination to unify , organise and generalise via axiomatisation took over .
29 For a complete list of the words , see the end of this section .
30 Leaving aside the problem of what time period to specify , we should have to ransack the libraries of the world to find a complete list of published works written during the period .
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