Example sentences of "a [noun] to carry [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I propose that the new Bill , like the Bill of 1938 , should contain a provision to carry out this recommendation .
2 Elijah heard a divine message sending him back to troubled Israel , with intuition as to definite things to do , one of which was to find a successor to carry on the prophetic ministry .
3 I felt sad about this as I have several friends from my Salford days in Hong Kong , but I understand a decision to carry out this action has been put off for some time , so perhaps it was a regrettable necessity .
4 Whatever the shortcomings of the assumptions made about cause and effect in the relationship between man and the environment ( and man with man ) the model shows how the use of a computer to carry out the vast number of calculations necessary to realize the model can allow the consideration of a very complex situation on lines not previously possible .
5 If I signed a contract to carry out a complete refurbishment of the interior of your house I have an obligation to fulfil that contract .
6 From July it will be illegal for anyone other than a vet to carry out the operation .
7 Besides , say the Liberal Club 's supporters , Civic Forum has a responsibility to carry out its programme and must continue to function until the next general election , in less than two years ' time .
8 The first experience will probably take considerable planning and most of a term to carry out .
9 We all know how difficult it can be to arrange for a contractor to carry out repairs to our home .
10 Also turned down is a plan to carry out alterations at 135 Church Street , Whitby because it is also a listed building .
11 For example , detaining a child would be false imprisonment but for the fact that the law permits a teacher to carry out a reasonable punishment .
12 that the riots did not reflect a failure to carry out the ‘ urgent programme of action ’ recommended by Lord Scarman in 1981 , but were the outcome of a spiralling wave of crime and disorder in inner-city areas .
13 This can be the outcome of ( a ) a process which selects only those facts which prove a given case , and omits others — an intentional distortion of evidence ; or ( b ) an unwitting omission , a failure to carry out the exhaustive search for evidence which should characterise historical study .
14 I have already made my views clear : officials have written to every education authority about which we have received evidence of a failure to carry out its statutory duties — and we will continue to pursue the matter vigorously .
15 The European Commissioner for the environment has said that he believes that there has been a failure to carry out a proper environmental impact assessment .
16 A failure to carry out necessary work would give rise to liability .
17 The key to freeing the body to regain its lost dignity lies in inhibiting the unconscious habit of muscle tension ; only then may we perform actions in such a way that they become as much a joy to carry out as they are to watch .
18 The tenant has surely a right to carry out this lawful activity .
19 Your Lordships are motivated by a desire to carry out the intentions of Parliament in enacting legislation and have no intention or desire to question the processes by which such legislation was enacted or of criticising anything said by anyone in Parliament in the course of enacting it .
20 You know , they wanted a grandson to carry on the estate . ’
21 Where there exists such a reluctance to carry out the correct diagnostic procedures or , as is often the case , there is simply a dearth of properly trained specialists , the natural result is treatment without diagnosis , the haphazard use of antibiotics ( such as penicillin for all urethral discharges ) , and an increase in antibiotic resistance of the gonococci coupled with an infuriating denial of the problem , ‘ Just look at our figures .
22 There may be a reluctance to carry out endoscopy in the elderly to obtain small bowel biopsy specimens on the grounds that the procedure is unsafe in the old and frail .
23 ‘ Authority is the freedom to act , and relates to the ability to control the resources available to a person to carry out his responsibilities .
24 Section 47(2) of the FSA makes it an offence for a person to carry out any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression about the market in , or the price or value of , any investment .
25 ‘ Nomination ’ is the process whereby the client chooses a subcontractor to carry out specialist works under a building contract and where the contractor is obliged to employ that subcontractor .
26 And we understand that he is paid up to £500 a day to carry out those services .
27 A provisional licence may be granted to enable a licence-holder to carry on business in temporary premises during reconstruction of the licensed premises : s.27 .
28 At best Making Belfast Work has provided the infrastructure , albeit unaccountable , to let those wanting small starter units to get a chance to carry out their business ideas .
29 There is a chance to carry out your own experiments , a steam railway , and a special laboratory for young people .
30 In particular , the time in which to make a claim to carry back surplus advance corporation tax should be extended from two to six years .
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