Example sentences of "a [adv] known [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Probably he was his ancestors were from Gascony and came over with William the Conqueror like the name Norman it 's a widely known name in England .
2 And a little known provision may enable the Environment Secretary to prohibit them from checking water quality altogether . ’
3 Ophiocymbium cavernosum is a little known ophiuroid previously only recorded from east of Kerguelen Islands , Southern Ocean , its discovery in the Bay of Biscay marks an exciting extension of range perhaps accountable to the considerable depth at which this species is found .
4 Ethel Walker ( 1861–1951 ) is a little known artist today but she managed to attain the respect of the art establishment of her time .
5 Inexperienced investors have often been known to put several thousand pounds into a little known company , on the strength of a five minute telephone conversation .
6 One dealer was telling a client that only 10,000 shares in a little known company remained on his books .
7 Thanks to a little known rule , individuals are allowed to ‘ relate back ’ personal pension premiums .
8 German and British researchers have been drafted in to help their French colleagues achieve the right balance — a little known detail is that Germany was France 's main supplier of manufactured goods before the war , albeit under the guise of French names .
9 In fact the two-hour film due to be shown on ITV on Saturday April 18 is an extraordinary study of a little known period of T.E .
10 While many people dabbled , it 's a little known fact even in cave diving circles , that Geoff Yeadon , often diving alone , logged over 18,000 metres of diving looking for the King Pot inlet .
11 I am happy to reveal here a little known fact about the ‘ Immortal Bard ’ .
12 That man is Stephan Heitmann , he 's a little known politician from Eastern Germany .
13 Quando remained a little known cult band in England but aspired to a high degree of success in the New York dance floor market .
14 It is a generally known fact that here our bow is at a very high tension .
15 The code contrast here seems to relate to such things as the distinction between talk about action and talk as action , the degree of speaker involvement in , or distance from , a message , whether a statement reflects personal opinion or knowledge , whether it refers to specific instances or has the authority of a generally known fact .
16 Here he put into practice the ideas of social justice expounded in his book A New View of Society , and became a nationally known figure .
17 In the selection I was involved in , one prominent candidate — a nationally known figure — suffered from the poor impression his wife gave to some of the selectors .
18 It had been made by a galactically known artist — an ancient , smelly and mostly blind human living on a renovated asteroid near the Home System where Old Earth still spins .
19 Arnold Bloxham , a well known hypnotist living in South Wales , had brought out a book in which he discussed how some of his " patients " had been taken back , in their trance , to previous experiences in their life .
20 Management by objectives is a well known management technique .
21 HILLSIDE member Denis Nutter , a well known squash coach in the Southport area during the late seventies and early eighties , is the new secretary of the North Region of the Professional Golfers ' Association .
22 Barbara Allsopp , a well known member of the community at Newhnam on Severn and her husband Alan , both now the centre of a mystery that 's baffling police and friends of the couple .
23 Bicester is also a well known hunting centre with a hunt dating back to the late 1700s .
24 Souza , like the murdered leader of the seringueiros rubber-tappers ' union Francisco " Chico " Mendes Filho [ see pp. 36459 ; 37914 ] , was a well known environmentalist who campaigned against the destruction of the rain forest for cattle pasture , and against cattle ranchers who expelled and often killed landless workers who occupied their land .
25 He sent a postcard to a well known photographer stating : ‘ Your cover shot of me moved me enormously .
26 A few years after publication I was introduced to a well known photographer at a party .
27 This time the mechanic in charge , a well known character with a police record , had pushed his luck too far , and several illegal immigrants were found hiding in the covered power boat by our shore controls .
28 Leamington is a well known centre for Acupuncture with one of the country 's leading training colleges .
29 Retonio , a well known ventriloquist , has collected an assortment of music boxes , parlour organs , fair-ground organs , automatic violins and other mechanical instruments , the result of touring the fairgrounds of the world .
30 These machines generally have a well known soil load and the appropriate amount of sanitiser used on a regular basis will give the required degree of protection against bacteria .
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