Example sentences of "a [adv] hold belief " in BNC.

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1 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
2 Even though there were many writers before Leapor who had made a similar affirmation , not least Katherine Phillips and Mary Astell , it must be recognized that to make such claims was to dispute a widely held belief , based on Aristotelian physiology , that women were by nature soft and therefore inconstant The best known statement of this view of women is Pope 's ‘ Epistle to a Lady ’ .
3 These expressed hostility to Britain 's pre-eminent position , the demand for greater democracy in the country , and a widely held belief that the Hashemites had an understanding with Israel not to attempt to recapture any of Israeli Palestine but to punish severely any Palestinian who violated the Armistice Line .
4 While no one would deny the existence of horrendous acts of violence and criminality in earlier times , it is a widely held belief that western , advanced societies are becoming more and more criminal .
5 By the beginning of the thirteenth century there was a widely held belief within the Church that masses said on behalf of the dead would shorten the length of time a soul spent in purgatory .
6 At the same time , the astonishing flowering of science and technology has made it possible to organise and exploit the world and its natural resources on a scale which no earlier civilisation could have imagined ; it has also bred a widely held belief , verging on the mythical or superstitious , that ‘ science is the solution to all our problems ’ .
7 Criticism of the education service for failing to meet the needs of an advanced industrial economy is undoubtedly linked with a widely held belief that educational standards , generally , are in decline .
8 In his summing-up , Mr Justice Caulfield could not have evinced a more robust hostility to the Official Secrets Act , sharing a widely held belief that it was long out of date and an intolerable interference with freedom of speech , and that it provided a justification for prosecutions ranging from the serious to the grotesquely ridiculous .
9 It is important to be clear about one thing ; contrary to a widely held belief , those who voted ‘ No ’ to Maastricht were not voting ‘ No ’ to Mitterrand .
10 It is with sincere people such as these in mind that this leaflet has been written — not to ride roughshod over a sincerely held belief but rather to confirm the absolute necessity of finding Purgatory , but not a Purgatory that is arrived at after death which is the popular view , but rather a Purgatory that is found before death which is the proper view according to God 's guide , the Holy Bible .
11 It was not so much Jacobite principle that led to Nonjurism , but rather a sincerely held belief about the inviolable nature of oaths .
12 This approach stems from a strongly held belief that voluntary action represents a major force for positive environmental change .
13 From time immemorial it was a commonly held belief in Gaelic Scotland that where a disease occurred there would be found growing in the locality of its prevalence a plant which would cure that disease .
14 There is a commonly held belief in the horse world that a good big 'un will always beat a good little 'un .
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