Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] service " in BNC.

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1 These are the use of words or behaviour , or the display of inflammatory written material , the publication or distribution of racially inflammatory written material publicly performing a play containing inflammatory material , distributing , playing or showing a recording containing such material , broadcasting or including inflammatory material in a cable programme service and possessing it with a view to publishing or distributing it .
2 There is a defence that the distributor , displayer or player who had no intention to stir up racial hatred was ignorant of , and had no reason to suspect that the contents of the item in question were threatening , abusive or insulting , and the section does not apply where the showing or playing of the recording is solely for the purpose of inclusion in a cable programme service .
3 ‘ ( 1 ) If a programme involving threatening , abusive or insulting visual images or sounds is broadcast , or included in a cable programme service , each of the persons mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred , or ( b ) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby .
4 ‘ ( 1 ) A person who has in his possession written material which is threatening , abusive or insulting , or a recording of visual images or sounds which are threatening , abusive or insulting , with a view to — ( a ) in the case of written material , its being displayed , published , distributed , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , or ( b ) in the case of a recording , its being distributed , shown , played , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , is guilty of an offence if he intends racial hatred to be stirred up thereby or , having regard to all the circumstances , racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby . ’
5 ‘ ( 1 ) A person who has in his possession written material which is threatening , abusive or insulting , or a recording of visual images or sounds which are threatening , abusive or insulting , with a view to — ( a ) in the case of written material , its being displayed , published , distributed , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , or ( b ) in the case of a recording , its being distributed , shown , played , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , is guilty of an offence if he intends racial hatred to be stirred up thereby or , having regard to all the circumstances , racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby . ’
6 ( 2 ) For this purpose regard shall be had to such display , publication , showing , playing , broadcasting or inclusion in a cable programme service as he has , or it may reasonably be inferred that he has , in view . ’
7 In an experimental study of a case management service for homeless mentally ill people only two out of 94 people referred in a year reported having been admitted to hospital for a year or longer .
8 As the term ‘ clearing ’ implies , these are banks whose obvious function is to provide a money transmission service using the cheque-clearing system .
9 It has been able to shed its loss-making operations without the need for lengthy legal procedures such as those which normally accompany the proposal to close a branch passenger service .
10 The roles of estate agent are combined with an experienced financial services adviser , as well as a building society service .
11 According to Jane 's Sentinel , a defence information service , Croatia has bought $1.2 billion-worth of weapons in the past 18 months , much of it from other former communist countries .
12 If you were ordering hundreds and hundreds of these would you put , express them through a parcel delivery service ?
13 A drug specialist service works out a withdrawal programme with her GP who introduces her to a support group and individual counselling .
14 a Facilities Management Agreement exists between the New OED Computer Group and the Computer Services Department for the provision of a computer operating service .
15 The fifth client whose outcome was not adopted was a man who was dissatisfied with the service he had received from a computer dating service .
16 The Mobidip is a contract dipping service which is based around a trailer unit .
17 A griddle car service will be available on weekdays and Saturdays during the period of daily running .
18 In addition it is developing a Skills Audit Service based upon APL and a special service aimed at Employment Training Managers .
19 The area of Worcester was chosen for the development of a demonstration community service to replace the local mental hospital , Powick .
20 He brought over a tray with a silver coffee service on it and a pair of exquisite bone china cups , settling himself opposite her , his face grave .
21 Part of a silver table service made by Lieberkuhn for the first banquet at Sanssouci , held in 1747 to celebrate the opening of the palace has been reassembled , together with portraits of the king and his family , including nineteenth-century scenes such as Menzel 's ‘ Flute concert at Sanssouci ’ .
22 The line was passed for service on September 9th , and a horse car service was operated temporarily .
23 Some enterprising yards install big washing machines and then offer a horse laundry service , usually charging about £5 per rug .
24 PartsBank is a warehouse inventory service at Memphis requested part , which FEC can zip to any part of the U.S. in six hours .
25 The London borough of Kensington and Chelsea is to be the first local authority in the UK to introduce a kerbside collection service for separated waste .
26 Listed here are some department stores and shops offering a wedding list service .
27 In November 1990 , however , the government acknowledged the growing trade links between Australia and Taiwan by announcing its intention to create a Taiwan Market Service in Australia , to encourage the establishment of direct air links between the two countries , and to create an Australian Education Centre in Taipei .
28 There can be no doubt that this sort of help is most valuable for teachers , and where it can not be provided from a curriculum development project itself might in less ambitious form be offered from a teachers ' centre or from a schools library service , although in the latter case the advice on sub-themes and topics would necessarily be tentative rather than prescriptive .
29 Even the budget cutbacks of the 19705 , which put a brake on the heady optimism of the mid-1960s , were modest by anything but American standards , and an impressive number of schools in the States today receives a multi-media library service far removed from the early print-dominated public image .
30 So exposed films will have to be sent to the company 's HQ in Atlanta , Georgia for processing — via a courier air service arranged by Nimslo .
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