Example sentences of "and apply to [art] " in BNC.

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1 They have a legal duty to investigate such complaints and legal powers , if necessary , to remove a child to a place of safety and apply to a court for a ‘ care order ’ .
2 They can receive complaints from the public about local expenditure and apply to a court for a declaration that an item of expenditure is illegal or ultra vires .
3 These apply to the area of the local authority which makes them and apply to the conduct of people within the area of the local authority .
4 These pots sit directly under the programming map printed on the top of the A4 and apply to the section directly above .
5 The size or shape of a Consignment necessitates the use of a vehicle of greater carrying capacity than the weight of the Consignment would otherwise require , in which case the tonnage rate shall be computed upon and apply to the carrying capacity of such vehicle as is reasonably required .
6 McDonald 's belongs to a federation of companies in the same business and the area man takes it for granted that the firm 's competitors will soon hear about the relaxed consent and apply to the agency for similar leniency .
7 To use , soak gauze dressing in the infusion and apply to the affected parts as often as required until relief is felt .
8 Finally , strain the oil discarding the leaves and apply to the face on cotton wool pads .
9 Observe the completely different effect produced by replacing the adjectives in ( 1 ) by the corresponding adverbs , as in : ( 28 ) Ellen shook the keys loosely muzak drives them madly And contrast the two sentences of ( 29 ) ( b ) : ( 29 ) ( a ) what did the new system do to the motors ? ( b ) the new system made the motors quieter the new system made the motors more quietly 5.4 Let us now return to the matter of the resultative nuance which can indeed be observed in all the examples we have given , reproducing the structural diagrams ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) to do so : ( 21 ) ( 22 ) If these diagrams represent the relations actually used in constructing such expressions , it follows that the entity of the noun phrase , as initially present to the mind of the speaker ( and to that of the listener in the final interpretative phase of comprehension ) lacks the property of the adjective since it is structurally separated from it ; however , since that property is expressed by an adjective , then ex hypothesi it will apply to the entity of the noun phrase when the construction is taken as a whole ; if not , then either the property would be expressed by an adverb , and apply to the verb , or the whole construction would be literally incoherent .
10 Practitioners concerned that the other parties may hold back supplementary evidence unless obliged to serve supplementary witness statements can attempt to agree arrangements for exchange of further statements and apply to the court for appropriate directions in the absence of agreement .
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