Example sentences of "and calls for a " in BNC.

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1 On the subject of homelessness , the committee says the problem is a ‘ scandal ’ in Scotland and calls for a ‘ more realistic ’ level of central Government funding .
2 This is despite their repeated claims that the act , which tightens up rules on the safety inspection of large dams and calls for a national register of dams , was necessary .
3 The subcontract is part of a prime contract awarded to Norton Diamond Film Inc , and calls for a two-year development programme , with an optional third year .
4 Pleck ( 1975 ) argues that the symbol-dependent aspects of socialization have been neglected , and calls for a language-oriented theory of sex-role learning .
5 The subcontract is part of a prime contract awarded to Norton Diamond Film Inc , and calls for a two-year development programme , with an optional third year .
6 Gardner deplores all attempts to train sensibility and taste or to inculcate critical standards and moral attitudes , and calls for a return to the pre-war emphasis on producing " widely , intelligently and deeply-read scholars " .
7 But this merely shifts the problem where the conflict occurs and calls for a very careful examination of whether , and if so the way in which , the individual is exercising that right .
8 Like Russian Formalism , Richards 's early work turns its back on positivistic scholarship , and calls for a criticism that deals directly with the distinctive properties of literature ; where he differs from the Formalists , however , is in defining these properties in terms of human experience and human value .
9 Does he further agree that the report condemns the trendy , discredited methods put forward by Labour and calls for a return to traditional teaching ?
10 [ That this House condemns British Coal for its closure of the Coventry Colliery at Keresely with the loss of 1,300 jobs , completed in a mere 13 days from the announcement of the decision to the working of the last shift ; believes that the pit is not abandoned but mothballed with 40 million tonnes of good quality reserves of medium sulphur content which will be kept on a care and maintenance basis until a link-up is organised by a privatised Daw Mill Colliery should the Government be re-elected ; condemns British Coal 's refusal to attend two meetings of local authority and parish councillors , local honourable Members of this House and church representatives and notes the absence at the meetings of 24th October and 11th November of the local Tory honourable Members ; and calls for a public inquiry into the methods of the closure and the false economics which talk of losses ' yet fail to take into account the future cost to public funds of lost production and taxes paid , and of dole and unemployment payments to be made . ]
11 Strong domestic pressure to reduce the US budget deficit and calls for a reassessment of NATO 's military relationship with the Warsaw Pact countries , led to a number of proposals for US force reductions ( for 1990 US budget , and defence budget see pp. 37177 ; 37178 ) .
12 The passive evokes perception resultatively and not operationally and calls for a representation of the phenomenon perceived as a fact , the knowledge and assertion of which is a consequence of perception having taken place , rather than as something which is followed instant-by-instant by means of the operation of the sense faculties .
13 The line which the law draws is at the very least indistinct , and turns on such imponderables as malum in se , mayhem , degrees of harmfulness , and public policy , and calls for an examination of such unsatisfactory cases as Donovan , Bravery v.
14 Clearly the task is considerable and calls for an efficient Community legislative system ( which needs to be accompanied by a vigorous process of national compliance ) .
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