Example sentences of "and returned to [art] " in BNC.

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1 A rescue team went in for him at 12.30 p.m. on Saturday , 9th September , and returned to a fresh air base in Bank Mine at 2.45 p.m .
2 She went into the kitchen , scrambled three eggs and returned to the living room to eat them .
3 The blood cells and plasma are then remixed and returned to the patient , who is conscious throughout .
4 He was in the Lilian Baylis 1937 season at the Old Vic and returned to the Westminster for Pygmalion , Richard III , and more O'Neill , including a memorable portrayal of the old Ephraim Cabot in Desire Under The Elms in 1940 .
5 Then they quietly washed and dried their own hands and returned to the general room .
6 The American cruised the Solent for a few days while Mark was tying up the loose ends , and returned to the States without paying another visit to his office .
7 Lewis , 26 , who meets Commonwealth champion Derek Williams in a triple title fight on April 30 at the Royal Albert Hall , says he has altered his style and returned to the ‘ Lennox of old ’ .
8 BL came to rely on large cash hand-outs and subsidies , and eventually had to be cut down into its constituent elements and returned to the private sector .
9 He was looking directly at Bridges , but Bridges looked imperturbably back , and after a few moments of heavy silence Kegan coughed and returned to the paper in his hand .
10 In Nice he got up early and went to Survage 's room and painted until midday , then took a swig of alcohol , made a face and returned to the canvas .
11 That left two days of filming available before the sets had to be taken down and returned to the owners .
12 Then she moved briskly away , opened the door , and returned to the stove and picked up the saucepan and the spoon .
13 Without another word Donald Crubach bowed , and returned to the stern of the galley .
14 She was discharged from the rehabilitation centre , and returned to the original hospital for out-patient physiotherapy treatment .
15 Then he arose and took leave of the people , weeping plenteously , and returned to the Alcazar , and betook himself to his bed , and never rose from it again ; and every day he waxed weaker and weaker , till seven days only remained of the time appointed .
16 He put the book back on the shelf and returned to the fire .
17 However , there is a net outflow of as much as 10 per cent and it is this ‘ lost ’ fluid which is drained by the lymphatics and returned to the circulation .
18 He then picked up the magazine , spied his collar on the floor and returned to the teacher .
19 Norbert was sent back into the real world , but within weeks he had registered as a disabled person and returned to the hospital .
20 We bought containers and fuel and returned to the airport , where we strained the fuel for water before departing for Kupang , on the island of Timor .
21 They left the kitchen with its awful occupant , and returned to the library .
22 Unfortunately , he suffered a further relapse and returned to the sanatorium for further treatment before being appointed the curate at St Mary 's Church , Morecambe .
23 Therefore once the fish have been salt-bathed and returned to the pond ( or aquarium ) an anti-fluke remedy should be added .
24 Later the racks , complete with baby oysters are lifted and placed in net bags and returned to the sea .
25 It is then passed back into the mouth , chewed again , and returned to the rearward locations for further digestion .
26 All of the staff who served in the armed forces survived and returned to the Survey , but Clough was accidentally killed by a train while working in a railway cutting in 1916 .
27 But he had given it all up and returned to the business world as a marketing executive .
28 Lockhart 's flight became lost and returned to the carrier , then set off again with two hours ' fuel already gone .
29 Seven of the 213 Squadron aircraft lost their Beaufighter and returned to the island .
30 The fisherman 's wife , however , chastised him for this simple request and returned to the shore , there to harangue the Golden Fish with her demands for jewels , wealth and status .
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