Example sentences of "and sent it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In order to evaluate the level of service that we could expect from a bureau we concocted a dummy page for a newsletter and sent it on disk to six carefully selected bureau .
2 Then he wrote a novel and sent it to a magazine which rejected it .
3 He wrote this little publicity thing under the name Truth Shows and sent it to various places .
4 I remember I bought about 100 copies of it and sent it to various agents , bookers , and media .
5 In my haste , and under the influence of the contents of your letter , I evidently placed Herr Sussmeyer 's medical card in the wrong envelope and sent it to you .
6 He collected the scurrilous gossip and the half-truths about Modi , much of it from Beatrice , and sent it to be collated by Douglas Goldring ( Charles Douglas was his pseudonym ) , who produced the book Artist Quarter , the first extensive biography in English of Modigliani .
7 The Roman Catholics were particularly vulnerable , yet impossible to dislodge or ignore , and when Cardinal Hinsley wrote a letter to The Times in November 1942 , Churchill cut it out , pasted it to a piece of cardboard and sent it to Butler with the cheerful note : ‘ There you are , fixed , old cock . ’
8 The admitting doctor had taken a specimen from the child 's spine and sent it to the Lab .
9 The spies were about and a Dominican in some way unknown secured a copy and sent it to the Inquisition at Rome .
10 Just fill in the coupon below , quoting you Ideal Home subscription number , and sent it to : .
11 I wrote a draft policy and sent it to the radiology department for discussion at their departmental meeting .
12 They had made a mistake , that was all , and sent it to his son .
13 Crazy ! in search of machines to enable the group to form , I put together a solicitation brochure and sent it to people in the US .
14 They 'd raised £35 and sent it to me to put towards my conservation work .
15 Princess Marie Louise borrowed a linen tablecloth from Buckingham Palace , insured it for £100 and sent it to Belfast to be copied exactly to scale ( 22 inches ) .
16 To claim your free giveaway support from Seton Healthcare , just write your name and address on a postcard , and sent it to :
17 When I came across an article in The Times of 18 December 1964 , on cats which could swim , I cut it out and sent it to George Boas … but not to Panofsky .
18 Written up details of recycling campaigning experience for and sent it to .
19 Yes I think we , we started doing that originally because er the people from the Epping group said they did that every month did n't they , they , they issued a press release and sent it to all the local papers , that seems to be the way of doing it .
20 Over a year ago she had written another book , The Professor , and sent it to one publisher after another .
21 I thought that three guineas would be an appropriate amount , drew up a licence and sent it to him to sign .
22 I took a Polaroid photograph and sent it to Colin Willock , our producer — but when I phoned him later , he said , ‘ How long did it take you to set that one up ? ’ ’
23 Er they had a lock , made it a good lock and sent it to all the clients and this is what we can supply , and it used to meet the needs of clients and they 'd er they 'd erm buy it and it kept them in business , you see what I mean ?
24 In order to test my reaction , and before I had received my copy , Michael had typed it out and sent it to me , almost as if it might be one of his own efforts , and I had reacted with some reserve .
25 He produced a manual for internal use , including a three-monthly monitoring system and general managers ' bonuses tied to implementation , and sent it to his competitors .
26 She read it through , added the word ‘ yours , ’ and sent it to him .
27 They got my name wrong ( ‘ Dear Mr Burndige … ’ ) and sent it to my work address for some reason .
28 Mr Torughu promptly placed it in an envelope with his official report and sent it to UEFA .
29 I then drafted a statement for the management side and sent it by hand to Mellowes who was sufficiently impressed by this initiative to pop his head around the door an hour later with a look of something less than mistrust .
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