Example sentences of "and speaking [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On education , for example , and speaking as a headmaster , it seemed to him that Qaddafi had written sensible things .
2 Hooks takes the title , Talking Back , from her childhood , when it meant forgetting one 's place and speaking as an equal to adults .
3 Your friend awaits you , I think , ’ he added , nodding towards the courtyard where Iris was standing beside Melissa 's car , and speaking for the first time in faultless English instead of French .
4 Eyeing her and Nigel and speaking to the air .
5 I decided to delay informing him of my visit to the Orne and speaking to the Artillerymen who were sending the shells over our heads .
6 But even as she spoke she recalled his handing in her key and speaking to the clerk , then both of them looking across at her .
7 He also advocated the appointment of prison inspectors and made it clear that he expected them to be as thorough as he himself had been , probing every corner and speaking with every prisoner .
8 To increase public knowledge , he set about creating Britain 's first comprehensive design guide for houseowners , called Do It In Style , which Wandsworth Council are now publishing , as well as writing and speaking on the subject .
9 ‘ Disturbance ? ’ asked Geoff , opening the station door and speaking over the back of my head .
10 You are expressing your personal responses , and speaking from the heart as much as from the head , so there is no need to try and paint an apparently ‘ objective ’ picture with appeal to the intellect .
11 With me coming from the North of England , everybody is pretty reserved up there at the best of times , so coming down to London and meeting Angie with an American accent and flitting around the room and speaking in a loud voice all the time , it was amazing .
12 In the early scenes she sometimes seems less like a human than a terrified wild animal , and she is in extraordinary form in her first public apppearance at Mrs Higgins 's tea party , moving with the stiffness of an automaton and speaking in a voice that sounds like a Martian after a course at the Berlitz .
13 She had stretched out , lying on her back and speaking in a little girly voice .
14 " Ma , where are your shoes ? " asked Martha , drawing her mother aside and speaking in an urgent , almost tragic undertone .
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