Example sentences of "and reached for the " in BNC.

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1 He brooded for a moment , sighed , and reached for the list again .
2 She dropped the other gun — the little one — into the pocket of her jacket and reached for the wooden grip of the Kalashnikov .
3 Jackie stood up and reached for the bottle .
4 ‘ Oh bother ! ’ she allowed herself a wee expletive and reached for the telephone daintily with whitened fingers .
5 An elderly lady who had once asked Franz Liszt for his autograph , felt quite faint as Fred took off his kilt and reached for the laces of his boots .
6 ‘ Of course , ’ Kegan said and reached for the intercom on his desk .
7 She pursed her lips and reached for the next letter on the pile of personal correspondence brought in by her secretary .
8 I shimmied shivering to the bedsit , slotted another shilling in the gas fire and reached for the knob on the third drawer of the tallboy .
9 Behind the scenes Paula slipped out of one outfit , letting it fall to the floor , and reached for the next , hanging in the correct order on her clothes rail .
10 I panicked and reached for the door .
11 When he drew he put aside all other considerations and reached for the truth .
12 I scrambled up and reached for the eject button on the cassette deck .
13 Early in their walk she had handed him the usual tenpenny piece , and now she heard a faint tinkle and watched while he stuck his candle in the socket , and reached for the matches in their brass holder .
14 The shepherd drained his glass and reached for the flask .
15 The Captain sat down and reached for the telephone .
16 She indicated the white leather armchair in front of her desk , then sat down in her swivel chair and reached for the telephone .
17 Kate sighed and reached for the wine .
18 Preston untangled his arm from around her shoulder and reached for the brandy glass .
19 The Doctor hauled himself up and reached for the tank 's hyper reverse facility .
20 With a smile he put the rifle down and reached for the next in the stack at his side .
21 Tod moaned , and straightened before the dark mirror , and reached for the switch .
22 When he realized that Adam was not one of his colleagues , he stopped and reached for the revolver in his belted holster .
23 She looked up at the books on the shelves and reached for the closest .
24 Lydia began to feel the need to laugh and reached for the vodka bottle .
25 Suddenly he swayed and reached for the support of his car door .
26 The first one was still exploding through my cortex as I gulped the second and reached for the third .
27 She took a shaky breath and reached for the coffee-pot , an invisible shell of protective self-defence closing around her just in time .
28 He sidled into the utility room , treading with remembered caution , and reached for the light switch .
29 Melissa fastened her safety belt and reached for the ignition .
30 He got up and reached for the phone .
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