Example sentences of "and beyond [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus could pangenesis unify all Darwin 's generation theorizing from gemmules to organisms and on to species , and beyond them the whole tree of life .
2 Just before La Barre , the road for Biarritz bends to the left and you can drive peaceably into that still glamorous resort , with the racecourse , the pine trees and beyond them the sands on one side , and more pine trees , the little Lac de Chiberta and the best known of Biarritz 's golf-courses on the other — the Basque Coast is very good for golf , with four courses all quite close to one another ; this is the English influence once again , creating links out of some auspicious dunes .
3 For it is a prime fact about classical Macedon , and one that explains why so large and rich a country counted for so little until so late , that she was a frontier province of the Greek world ; beyond lay Illyrians , Dardanians and Thracians , and beyond them the drifting pre-Celtic populations of central Europe , undisciplined fighters but unlimited in manpower .
4 As he gazed out over the still wet cobblestones , all he could see was the glimmer of lights — lights on the barrack square , lights on the sentry posts at the main gates , lights in the barrack huts , and beyond them the lights of the hospital 's east wing .
5 I saw two small spires through the spy-hole , and beyond them the intense red haze of the kiln chamber .
6 She was conscious of the silent castle rooms enclosing them , and beyond them the outer walls , and beyond those the barren miles of frozen snow .
7 The road led between lemon groves , and beyond them the sea sparkled in the distance .
8 He could just make out the great empty arch of the east window and beyond it the shimmer of the North Sea while above , seeming to move through and over it like a censer , swung the smudged yellow disc of the moon .
9 The more restricted arena of the Chamber itself was divided into the Presence Chamber , where anyone with access to court might go , and beyond it the Privy Chamber and the most private apartments , to which entree was restricted .
10 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
11 He stood at the lit window of his hotel room and saw his own reflection , and beyond it the room , and in that ghost-world the image of Tom Carey walking to and fro , a glassy shadow .
12 From Schupfheim a spectacular minor road runs south for 17km ( 10½ miles ) following the Forest Emme ( Waldemme ) as this stretch of Little Emme is commonly called , through the hills along the Mariental valley to Fluhli and the little climatic resort of Sorenberg ( 1,159m , 3,802ft ) , near which is a cable railway to the summit of the Brienzer Rothorn which gives an unrivalled prospect of Lake Brienz and beyond it the whole massif of the Bernese Oberland peaks .
13 She stood looking towards the balcony and beyond it the sea .
14 A kissing-gate led to the moor and beyond it the path climbed steeply .
15 Not far away was the great sweep of the Radnor Forest , and beyond it the Elan valley where peregrines nested , the Towy valley with the last kites in Britain , and Tregaron Bog where wild geese came in winter .
16 Far below him the river was a silver thread , curling and twining through meadows freshly green in sunlight ; and beyond it the folded hillocks rose plumed with clumps of trees , heaving and falling in a series of green bowls all along the flank of the dimpled ridge that soared to the dark green of woodland above .
17 and beyond it the sky ,
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