Example sentences of "and for [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , you are on the big side and for a moment I had this vision of you … ’
2 She started to read and for a moment lost her rigid self-consciousness in admiring delight at her own writing , its clarity and generosity .
3 She moved her head as he crossed the room and for a moment he thought she was going to speak to him .
4 He watched it move towards the cup and saucer and for a moment he thought she was going to take her coffee , get up and leave him .
5 Wexford switched off the light and for a moment the room seemed very dark .
6 And for a moment you do n't know whether they 're talking about this strange bodily posture or running a club .
7 It was the first time she had ever warned him off anything private and for a moment he looked puzzled and embarrassed .
8 Then he looked up and for a moment he was so amazed that he forgot the misery .
9 And for a moment watched
10 Emo 's bug eyes narrow , and for a moment , just for a moment , the mock-innocence vanishes , and you can see the craft behind the wise-cracks .
11 Rose tried to throw her off and for a moment they became an indistinguishable tangle of clawing arms and jerking feet .
12 The force of it lifted Golden Girl 's stern and for a moment Trent feared that she would bury her bows in the sea and pitch-pole .
13 Graham looked back at him , and for a moment they sat and stared at each other .
14 We looked at each other wide-eyed , confused by an alien etiquette , and for a moment I was lost somewhere between memories of Samaná and Graham Greeneland .
15 Mr Lewis came to a halt and for a moment seemed at a loss as to how he should go on .
16 When her husband began to sing a little , snapping his fingers in rhythm , she smiled and for a moment looked like a young girl again ; but the barman came immediately and reminded them that singing was not permitted .
17 But she did not wake and for a moment Henry was flooded by helpless rage , a feeling that made him want to run to the bedside table , snatch up Elinor 's nail scissors and twist them into her neck , this way and that , gouging out blood and veins .
18 Rodrigo , hearing of this , rushed to Alfonso 's aid and for a moment it seemed that the Emperor would relent and rescind El Cid 's banishment .
19 Or else she would turn round , as though sensing my gaze on her skin , and for a moment as brief and yet momentous as a pause in music our eyes talked dirty .
20 She was perceptibly drunk , and for a moment Alison hesitated , as though she might be joking .
21 Alison refilled our cups and for a moment we took refuge in the polite rituals of milk and sugar .
22 ‘ Yes , I 've come back , ’ she said in her heart , and for a moment she and those tossing green waters were one .
23 Now more clouds were being arranged and for a moment he could swear that a shrouded figure was distinguishable , arm outstretched , pointing , accusing , a lamentation of rage .
24 When he did , his eyes narrowed and for a moment Kelly thought he was going to bound across the room and hit her .
25 She looked across the dance floor and for a moment lost her balance .
26 He closed his mouth down around hers , and for a moment she was too stunned to react .
27 ‘ What does that mean ? ’ asked Tina forcefully , and for a moment the sister looked disconcerted .
28 Then he suddenly smiled , and for a moment the sun seemed to illuminate a bleak and hostile landscape .
29 This was pronounced with a kind of funereal satisfaction , and for a moment Jackson could imagine the remorseless gossip that someone else 's tragedy had afforded her at the time .
30 He was angered , and for a moment was tempted to reply that Louise herself had managed to fit in to French society , despite her origins and her antecedents , but he curbed himself .
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