Example sentences of "and better [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I retain a belief that by means of higher productivity and better crafted tax and welfare policies we could reduce poverty .
2 Better designed and better tested materials than ours have met with a similar fate .
3 The European variety has the advantage of a simpler and better understood theory of pricing , but it is a less flexible instrument .
4 He added : ‘ We are confident this innovative scheme will help create a more flexible and better trained workforce in the area . ’
5 It needs a huge injection of cash to equip it with a fully computerised national IT system , more and better trained staff and commercially experienced management .
6 The new employee does not have to be an exact replacement of the former employee , but may be able to perform a more productive and better defined role .
7 Although attempts were made to streamline the structure and to have fewer and better organized meetings , the position has scarcely improved .
8 A more diverse and better developed flora would result ; erosion would be reduced and many groups of animals , insects for example , would increase .
9 More generally one can say that for attitudinism ethical statements invite the hearer ( or perhaps the speaker when in discourse with himself ) to express his agreement or disagreement in attitude , or perhaps join in a shared attempt to arrive at some stable and better based attitude , towards what is in question , and that this is quite a different matter from any discussion concerning the psychological state , of approving or disapproving , on either the speaker 's or hearer 's part .
10 In Darlington , Mr Hamilton insisted Government plans would result in a leaner , fitter and better equipped service .
11 Bigger and better equipped practices and those with a diabetic miniclinic had patients with significantly better glycaemic control , as did those with access to dietetic advice .
12 By that time , higher real wages allowed ordinary families to rent more spacious and better equipped accommodation ( 95 per cent of households rented until after the First World War ) and encouraged builders to improve quality .
13 It was soon overtaken by the profounder and better known works of Bonaventure , Albertus Magnus , and Aquinas .
14 We need a much larger and better resourced inspectorate to enforce it so it is fair and seen to be . ’
15 Deep down , however , and reading his own comments about always having to fight for employment and never being superbly successful , one ca n't help feeling he actually yearned for the stability that steady and better paid work would bring .
16 In the Nonconformists ' laissez faire way of life , ministers were frequently moving about , usually to a more advantageous and better paid position .
17 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
18 As sea level rises these will develop and grow upwards , but those on the margins of the bank will be more favoured than those in the area which becomes the lagoon , as they will receive a better supply of food and better oxygenated water than the colonies within the lagoon .
19 Two more detailed and better considered responses to this question were those of Wundt and Tylor .
20 The conclusion must be that it could , only if there had have been genuine prospects that an improved , amalgamated and better managed canal system could make a viable contribution to an efficient transport system of the country .
21 CHILDREN born in the next decade will be slimmer , shorter , and better proportioned adults because of healthier eating habits , says a survey published today .
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