Example sentences of "and to give [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With the increase of tension between universal education and differential provision , the special qualities of the new English ( under the hegemony of English literature ) for securing the sense of a common culture while at the same time being suited to differential application across the range of educational sectors , caused the Board to look very kindly on the fledgling discipline and to give a great deal of support to its advancement in schools .
2 They signed a memorandum which read : ‘ I agree that the terms of the late Mr Farrington 's last will be varied so as to give Mrs Violet Peppercorn all of Mr Farrington 's personal chattels together with the freehold bungalow at 27 Washingly Road , Folksworth , of which she is currently tenant ( tax-free ) and to give a tax-free legacy of £5,000 to Mr and Mrs Arthur Peppercorn .
3 In addition to these she also kept a ready supply of scourges ‘ with which she often restored the dead to life ’ : ‘ holly brushes , furze brushes ; a prickly evergreen called butcher 's bush ’ — and to give a refreshing taste of summer , green nettles !
4 The problem is that there are 75 ridings a year and to give a wider berth would concentrate our low flying over other parts of the countryside to the detriment of the inhabitants there .
5 And to give a rough idea of where the group makes its money , she cited breakdown of turnover by geographic area .
6 The purpose of this chapter is to distinguish between the main types of bibliography used for selection , and to give a few pertinent examples of each .
7 In order to further speed and cheapen the process , inferior ingredients such as maize , rice , triticale , wheat flour and potato starch are used and helped on their way by chemicals that hasten fermentation , cut down on the yeast head in the vessels to allow more wort to be treated , and to give a lively fake head to the finished product .
8 It is very difficult for candidates to cope with all these nuances and to give an accurate picture of themselves .
9 Table 3.8 draws on these figures to show the sizes of the largest bond markets in the world and to give an international context to the sterling bond market .
10 Theories are construed as speculative and tentative conjectures or guesses freely created by the human intellect in an attempt to overcome problems encountered by previous theories and to give an adequate account of the behaviour of some aspects of the world or universe .
11 A steering group , chaired by Sir Geoffrey Crowther ( and including among its members Sir William Holford ) , was appointed to act alongside it and to give an independent opinion on the recommendations of the study group , as they emerged .
12 In a five-part polyphonic passage in which an independent cello part is necessary , it is always better to divide the cellos , and to give the lowest part to the second half of the cellos either in actual unison ( pitch permitting ) or in the octave above the double basses .
13 We positioned it so that it faced away from the doorway , to avoid draughts and to give the future inhabitants a little privacy .
14 ( 2 ) That the judge 's failure to direct the jury adequately as to the defendant 's previous good character was a material misdirection which could have caused injustice to him ; that at any stage of the trial the jury were entitled to the judge 's assistance on the facts as well as on the law , the withholding of which constituted an irregularity which might , depending on the circumstances , be material ; and that the judge had erred in failing to ascertain what the jury 's problem was and to give the requisite help ( post , pp. 166C , F–G , 167G , H ) .
15 Gone were such controversial elements as the plans to abolish security of tenure for civil servants , to enable public-sector wages and state pensions to be reduced , and to give the federal government a decisive say in the finances of state and municipal governments .
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