Example sentences of "and need for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Advice on time-zone transitions depends very much upon the kind of journey being made , so we consider the following possibilities : • A flight crossing only a few ( one or two ) time zones ; • A flight crossing several time zones , ( to the west or east ) and when the stop-over , before returning home , is short ; • A flight crossing several time zones to the west where there is sufficient time and need for adjustment to the new time zone ; • A flight as in the last example , but to the east .
2 Until now we have assumed that banks decide for themselves upon the appropriate ratio in the light of their desire for profit and need for liquidity .
3 Obviously the severity of the wound and the bleeding will dictate the degree of urgency and need for help .
4 The larger the bureau , the greater the number of specialized tasks , and the greater the potential for conflict and need for co-ordination .
5 The variability of the disorder , however , will inevitably mean that a proportion of such healthy people will prove to have the mutation , with uncertainty as to their prognosis and need for treatment or a change in their lifestyle as well as possible adverse consequences with regard to insurance and employment .
6 They may also reduce the demand and need for night calls from general practitioners and , taking into account the age and frailty of residents , the pressures on the district nursing service .
7 The process of psychology tends to offer a denial of personal responsibility in life ; no space is given for the truth of the soul 's own choice of its own learning and need for experience and atonement .
8 The observed differences in the prevalence of retinopathy and need for laser treatment between these two groups remained significant .
9 The more lethargic , weak and ill the infant , the greater is the urgency and need for expert advice .
10 ( e ) Social and economic forces brought about the possibility and need for change — 1870 , Boom period , education could be afforded , educated workforce , international econ. rivalry , improve morality , behaviour , social order .
11 Sometimes it is manifested in an exaggeration of previous dependency when problems arise ; sometimes , with strangers , excessive expectations of and need for support arise from these earlier relationships ( 'My husband waited on me hand and foot . ' )
12 Earlier the Azapo leadership had met Mandela and leaders of the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) for " exploratory " talks on " the necessity and need for unity " among black political organizations .
13 The circumstances of Japan 's opening to the West thus seemed calculated to reinforce rather than diminish a sense of separateness and need for security in the face of manifestly unequal treatment .
14 Whatever the form of ownership — and there is plenty of room and need for experiment — the aim is the same : to bridge the gap between ownership and control that has grown ever since companies ceased to be run by proprietors in the first half of this century .
15 This care manager would be the person ‘ in charge ’ in the community , working closely with the client 's family so as , for example , to arrange appropriate day care , liaise with the housing department on an application for a flat , keep in contact with the community psychiatric nurse about the client 's mental state and need for medication , and so on .
16 Hitting the child harder so that ‘ he will see what it 's like ’ will probably only increase his anger and need for vengeance — besides teaching him that if you are bigger and stronger , -you can always win .
17 Anne : Go to the Italian restaurant [ her status and need for control acknowledged , without her needing to sound bossy or assertive ] .
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