Example sentences of "and therefore a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 aspect of Horus as the son of Osiris and Isis and therefore a child with the sidelock of youth .
2 He claims he almost stumbled into acting because his father was a politician ‘ and therefore a bit of an actor himself ’ .
3 This is designed for situations where for one reason or another the work can not be fully described in advance and therefore a price can not be agreed .
4 An inadequate list may include reduction in infant and child mortality better employment prospects for educated children making investment in education worthwhile and therefore a cost related to the number of children ; women 's status in the household and extent of emancipation in making decisions ; education of parents and enrolment rates in education for children , and women 's participation in the formal labour force ( where pregnancy implies unavoidable loss of earnings ) .
5 In these circumstances we are usually investigating a finite population and therefore a sampling frame ( i.e. a list of population members ) may well exist .
6 When the country was united under one king in about 3100 BC , beginning the First Dynasty , the name of the king was preceded by the title " Horus ' and he was thought to be " the living Horus ' and therefore a god on earth , From the Fourth Dynasty he added the title " Son of Re " to his names .
7 In the case of both decision-making and monitoring , therefore , Williamson argues that realizing gains from comparative advantage requires forming an elite , and therefore a hierarchy .
8 There are measurable changes in the cerebro-spinal fluid ( the CSF ) when neurosyphilis is present , and therefore a sample of CSF needs to be obtained for analysis .
9 Talk of regional governmental or elected assemblies seemed pointless eyewash , a sign of weakness in the face of the nationalist challenge ; a policy designed to lead either to a call for total independence for Scotland and Wales or to a permanent loss of authority by Whitehall and therefore a diminution in the competence of Scottish and Welsh MPs .
10 There is one exception to this rule of not searching the unregistered Land Charges Register in the case of registered land : prospective mortgagors who are buying a registered property have , as yet ( until they complete their purchase ) , no title to the registered land ; and therefore a bankruptcy or a receiving order made against them would not be disclosed by a title search .
11 Trustees comprise a body of persons and therefore a person for the purposes of the income tax code ( see the Interpretation Act 1978 , Sched 1 ( person ) , Reid 's Trustees v IRC ( 1929 ) 14 TC 512 , Luke v South Kensington Hotel Co [ 1879 ] 11 Ch 121 , Kelly v Rogers ( 1935 ) 19 TC 692 and ITC for London v Gibbs ( 1942 ) 24 TC 221 at 247 and Dawson v IRC ( 1989 ) STC 473 ) .
12 So style need not occur in all texts : for example , Eliza 's " Not bloody likely " in Pygmalion by Shaw has an expressiveness and therefore a style ; while the otherwise equivalent monosyllable " No " does not .
13 Thus country A may impose more onerous rules than country B and therefore a country B bank will not be admitted to country A. Secondly , some countries have required the branches of foreign banks to have their own endowment of reserve capital .
14 Indeed , in many EC jurisdictions ( for example , the Netherlands ) there is no concept of trust or , therefore , of beneficial interests ; a person 's rights to shares held by another on their behalf rest only in contract and therefore a notification requirement based on beneficial ownership would not work .
15 It thrives on a muddy bottom , and therefore a base consisting of sand or loam should be provided .
16 In spite of it being claimed that Sunday was the Lord 's day and therefore a day of rest , all in all it was one of the most tiring days of the week .
17 Successful conservation may well imply a cutback in commercial crops and therefore a reduction in foreign exchange on which the state elite depends for its imported luxuries , foreign travel and education .
18 There is ambiguity and therefore a choice of readings , or at least spaces where irony may be inserted .
19 As a paratroop commander , Grachev reasoned that a sovereign Russia would need an army , and therefore a defence minister .
20 Microprocessors for real-time control applications ( e.g. Motorola 6800 , Intel 8080 ) have instruction cycle times of 1 — 2 us and therefore a software.based closed.loop control would be limited to 25–50 instructions per motor step at high speeds , which would restrict control to simple functions , such as step timing , step counting and phase sequencing .
21 Louis VI intervened on behalf of one of them , William Clito , son of Robert Curthose , and therefore a claimant also to the duchy of Normandy ; for some months it looked as though Clito would establish his right .
22 Again we have an increasing speed but , equally important , a decreasing cost per bit , and therefore a capacity increase from a few tens of words to several million characters of main storage .
23 Having said that , the fact is that Mrs X is company secretary and therefore a company employee .
24 Another attempt to avoid the conclusion that there must have been a big bang , and therefore a beginning of time , was made by two Russian scientists , Evgenii Lifshitz and Isaac Khalatnikov , in 1963 .
25 The school librarian may be the person controls the acquisition and borrowing of software and therefore a responsibility to ensure that software which is borrowed is not copied in school , as this could lead to prosecution .
26 A muddy substratum is recommended and therefore a mixture of clay and peat is satisfactory .
27 Since the company owns the cash , it is an asset and therefore a capital account .
28 Since the company owns the cash , it is an asset and therefore a capital account .
29 This should have resulted in an ex-rights price of and therefore a value for each right of 227p - 190p=37p .
30 And yet a similar bipedal dinosaur in size and appearance to T. Rex was Trachodon , but it was an ornithischian and therefore a herbivore .
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